MySQL Error 1045: Access denied for user ‘root’@’localhost’ (using password: YES)’

Updated: January 25, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment

Understanding the Error

The MySQL Error 1045 is a common issue that beginner and experienced database administrators alike may encounter. This error signifies that there is a problem with the authentication process for MySQL. Understanding the underlying causes and how to resolve them is crucial for maintaining the integrity and accessibility of your databases. Below, we will discuss some factors that could trigger this error and provide detailed solutions to help you regain access to your MySQL server.

Possible Reasons

This error is received when a user attempts to connect to the MySQL database with incorrect login credentials. The error message explicitly states that access is denied for the user connecting from ‘localhost’ with a password. Some reasons might include typing the wrong username or password, the user does not have access from ‘localhost’, or the MySQL server configuration is set to deny access to the ‘root’ user from localhost.

3 Solutions For You

Solution 1: Check Credentials

Double-check the credentials you are providing to ensure they are correct. It’s easy to mistype a username or a password, especially if you are manually entering them.

  • Ensure that your Caps Lock key is not accidentally on.
  • Re-enter the username and password carefully.
  • If you have saved your credentials in a configuration file, verify that they are correct and properly formatted.

It might look simple, but sometimes the most straightforward solutions can resolve your issue.

Solution 2: Reset User Password

If you’re confident the username is correct, you may need to reset the password using the command-line utility.

  1. Stop your MySQL server if it’s running.
  2. Start the server in safe mode with the skip-grant-tables option.
  3. Log in to MySQL without a password.
  4. Set a new password for the root user.
  5. Flush the privileges to ensure all changes take effect immediately.
  6. Restart the MySQL server normally.

Here’s how we do it in practice:

sudo /etc/init.d/mysql stop
sudo mysqld_safe --skip-grant-tables &
mysql -u root
mysql> USE mysql;
mysql> UPDATE user SET Password=PASSWORD('newpassword') WHERE User='root';
mysql> exit;
sudo /etc/init.d/mysql start

Note: This should go without saying, but it is important to choose a strong password to secure your root MySQL user. Resetting the password should only be done if you have the appropriate authorization.

Solution 3: Grant User Privileges

It is possible the root user does not have the proper privileges set from ‘localhost’. You can rectify this by granting the correct permissions.

  1. Login to MySQL using a user with grant privileges.
  2. Use the GRANT query to give necessary permissions to the root user from localhost.
  3. Flush the privileges to apply the changes.

Let’s see how can get it done via command line:

mysql -u admin -p
mysql> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO 'root'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'your-root-password' WITH GRANT OPTION;
mysql> exit;

Note: The ‘root’ user typically has access to all the databases and tables within MySQL. By using the GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES command, you’re ensuring this user has the necessary permissions. Remember to replace ‘your-root-password’ with the actual password for the root user.


By following the above solutions, you should be able to resolve the MySQL Error 1045. It’s crucial to maintain proper user credential management and to not ignore basic solutions that might seem too obvious. If all else fails, consulting the MySQL documentation or seeking professional help from MySQL communities may provide additional insights. Always backup your data before making changes to the user accounts or passwords to avoid any data loss.