MySQL Error: You can’t specify target table for update in FROM clause (3 solutions)

Updated: January 25, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment

The Problem

The MySQL error ‘You can’t specify target table for update in FROM clause’ occurs when the same table is being used for both reading (SELECT) and writing (UPDATE), within a subquery. This is because MySQL does not allow the modification of a table which is simultaneously being used to derive the data. Understanding why this error occurs and how to resolve it is essential for developers to ensure data integrity and successful database operations. Below, we delve into several solutions for overcoming this common MySQL error.

Solution 1: Use Temporary Table

Creating a temporary table to store the identifiers or required data can separate the read and write operations. This approach circumvents the issue by breaking the operation into two distinct steps.


  1. Create a temporary table with the necessary data from the target table.
  2. Perform the UPDATE operation using the temporary table as a reference.
  3. Delete the temporary table if it is no longer needed.

Code Example:

SELECT id FROM target_table WHERE condition;

UPDATE target_table
SET column_name = new_value
WHERE id IN (SELECT id FROM temp_table);



  • Pros: Easy to implement; avoids locking issues.
  • Cons: Requires extra storage; not suitable for large datasets.
  • Limitations: Performance can degrade with very large tables.

Solution 2: Use JOIN Clause

By using a JOIN clause, you can update the table against a join of itself on a different alias, which allows you to bypass the error by not directly specifying the same table in the FROM clause.


  1. Alias the target table in the UPDATE statement.
  2. JOIN the aliased table to the original table.
  3. Update the relevant rows accordingly.

Code Example:

UPDATE target_table AS t1
JOIN (SELECT id FROM target_table WHERE condition) AS t2
ON =
SET t1.column_name = new_value;


  • Pros: No need for temporary storage; suitable for large datasets.
  • Cons: Might be complicated for complex queries.
  • Caveats: Ensure that JOIN operations do not lead to unintended updates.

Solution 3: Use a Subquery with DISTINCT

Introducing a DISTINCT subquery can enforce a logical separation, thereby avoiding direct table specification error.


  1. Encapsulate the selection in a subquery with DISTINCT keyword.
  2. Use this subquery for identifiers in the UPDATE statement.

Code Example:

UPDATE target_table
SET column_name = new_value
    SELECT DISTINCT id FROM (SELECT id FROM target_table WHERE condition) AS temp_subquery


  • Pros: Keeps the operation within a single query; easier to read.
  • Cons: Can perform poorly due to subquery execution plan.
  • Caveats: Be cautious with DISTINCT as it may affect performance with large data sets.


When faced with the ‘You can’t specify target table for update in FROM clause’ error, the choice of solution is often dictated by the specific circumstances and requirements of your database operations. Considerations such as data set size, query complexity, and system performance should guide your decision. Always test your changes in a development environment before applying them to production, and ensure proper backup procedures are in place to prevent any data loss.