MySQL Error: Every derived table must have its own alias

Updated: January 25, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment

The Problem

Encountering errors in MySQL can be a daunting experience, especially for newcomers to SQL. One common error that users come across is ‘Every derived table must have its own alias’. In this post, we’ll explore the reasons behind this error, and offer several solutions to fix it.

When does the Error Occur?

The error message ‘Every derived table must have its own alias’ occurs when a subquery (a derived table) within the FROM or JOIN clause does not have a unique alias assigned to it. An alias is a temporary name given to a table, column, or expression. Without an alias, MySQL cannot reference the derived table when executing other parts of the query.

Some Solutions that can Help You

Solution 1: Assign an Alias to the Derived Table

The most direct solution is to simply assign an alias to the derived table. An alias can be added with the AS keyword followed by the chosen name, or just the name alone following the closing parenthesis of the subquery.

  1. Locate the derived table within your query.
  2. Add the AS keyword followed by a suitable alias name after the closing parenthesis of the subquery.

Code Example:

    SELECT employee_id, COUNT(*) as num_sales
    FROM sales
    GROUP BY employee_id
) AS sales_summary;

Notes: Assigning an alias makes your query clearer and easier to understand. There are no notable limitations or drawbacks to this approach; it is a best practice to always name derived tables.

Solution 2: Refactor Query to Remove Derived Table

In some cases, the query may be refactored to remove the need for a derived table altogether. This approach can sometimes simplify the query and improve performance but may not be applicable in all situations.

  1. Analyze whether your derived table is necessary or if the same result can be accomplished with a simpler query.
  2. Redraft the query to eliminate the need for a derived table.

To examine an example of refactoring a SQL query to remove the need for a derived table, let’s consider a common scenario where a derived table is used and how it might be simplified.

Original Query with Derived Table

Suppose we have a database with a table sales that records sales transactions. The original query uses a derived table to calculate the total sales per customer and then performs some further operation on this result.

SELECT customer_id, AVG(total_sales)
    SELECT customer_id, SUM(amount) as total_sales
    FROM sales
    GROUP BY customer_id
) AS derived_table
GROUP BY customer_id;

In this query, the inner SELECT creates a derived table of total sales per customer. The outer SELECT then calculates the average of these totals.

Refactored Query Without Derived Table

We can refactor this query to remove the derived table by rethinking what we are trying to calculate. If our goal is to find the average amount of each sale per customer, we can do this directly:

SELECT customer_id, AVG(amount) as avg_sales
FROM sales
GROUP BY customer_id;

This refactored query directly calculates the average sale amount per customer, eliminating the need for a derived table.

Notes: This solution is context-dependent. It may result in a more efficient query and better performance but can be more complex to implement, depending on the initial complexity of the derived table.

Addressing ‘Every derived table must have its own alias’ error can often be as simple as adding an alias. While MySQL requires each derived table to have an alias, not all databases have this requirement. Despite any initial frustration, understanding and resolving this error will contribute to writing better SQL and maintaining clearer database code.


In conclusion, while the ‘Every derived table must have its own alias’ error in MySQL can be an inconvenience, it is also an opportunity to ensure your SQL queries are structured properly. Whether you assign aliases to your subqueries or refactor your query to remove them, resolving this issue helps maintain clean, efficient, and readable SQL code.