MySQL: How to migrate a database to a new server

Updated: January 27, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Migrating a MySQL database to a new server is a common task for database administrators and developers. It involves moving not just the data, but also the database’s structure and any related objects such as stored procedures, triggers, and events. In this tutorial, we’ll cover the steps you need to take to successfully migrate your MySQL database to a new server. We’ll go through the preparation, actual migration, and post-migration verification process.

Preparing for Migration

Before starting the migration process, ensure you have backup copies of your data. You also need to gather information about the current database, such as its size, the character set it uses, and the version of MySQL. This information will help you to prepare the target server.

  • Backup the database
  • Check database size
  • Review character set and collation
  • Gather information about MySQL version

Step 1: Create a Database Backup

mysqldump -u root -p your_database > backup.sql

This command prompts for the root password, then creates a backup of the ‘your_database’ database and saves it to ‘backup.sql’ file.

Step 2: Setting up the New Server

Install MySQL on the new server and configure it to match the configuration of your existing database server. This includes settings such as ‘max_connections’, ‘innodb_buffer_pool_size’, and others.

Transferring the Database

Step 3: Transferring the Backup

Once you have a backup, you can transfer this file to the new server using secure methods such as scp or rsync.

scp backup.sql user@new_server:/path/to/destination

Step 4: Restoring the Backup on the New Server

After securely transferring the backup file, use the following command to restore the database from the backup on the new server.

mysql -u root -p new_database < /path/to/destination/backup.sql

Post-Migration Tasks

Verify that the migration was successful by comparing the data and structure of the database on the old and new servers.

  • Verify table counts and sizes
  • Test applications or websites that connect to the database
  • Check user privileges and update if necessary


Migrating a MySQL database to a new server can be a straightforward task if you follow the proper steps and take the necessary precautions. With the right preparations and checks in place, you can ensure a smooth transition with minimal downtime.