NGINX 499 Error: Causes and Solutions

Updated: January 20, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment

The Problem

The 499 error in NGINX is caused when a client closes the connection while NGINX is processing the request. This can often happen in scenarios where a user cancels a request, closes a web page before it finishes loading, or when a client timeout is shorter than the server’s timeout settings. Understanding its causes is the first step towards resolving the error.

Solutions to Resolve NGINX 499 Error

Solution 1: Increase Client Timeout

This solution involves configuring the client application or service to have a longer timeout period. This might help prevent a situation where a client closes the connection due to a timeout.

  • Identify your client’s current timeout settings.
  • Adjust the setting to a value that provides a balance between user experience and server performance.
  • Test the new settings thoroughly.

Note: This approach does not involve any code changes within NGINX as the changes are done on the client-side. Moreover, it may not be suitable in all scenarios, especially if you cannot control the client’s behavior.

Solution 2: Adjusting NGINX Timeout Settings

Configure NGINX to align with client timeout settings to mitigate early disconnections.

  • Open your NGINX configuration file (usually found at /etc/nginx/nginx.conf).
  • Look for or add the keepalive_timeout directive.
  • Set its value to a reasonable duration that matches typical client behaviors.
  • Reload NGINX to apply the changes using nginx -s reload.


http {
    keepalive_timeout 30;

You may need to balance between resource usage and client experience when adjusting this value.

Solution 3: Custom Log Configuration

Alleviate the impact of the 499 error by excluding it from your logs if it is generating noise and is not indicative of actual issues.

  • Edit the NGINX log format in the configuration files.
  • Use a conditional to prevent logging 499 errors.
  • Reload or restart NGINX to see the changes take effect.


http {
    map $status $loggable {
        ~^[23]    1;
        default 0;
    access_log /path/to/access.log combined if=$loggable;

Note: This solution is merely for log management. It doesn’t reduce the occurrence of 499 errors but can clear up your logs for more critical issues.


In this guide, we’ve explored the NGINX 499 error and provided several solutions to address this issue. Each solution comes with a different impact and consideration depending on the specific application environment and requirements. Implementing these solutions should be done with consideration of their pros and cons, as well as with in-depth testing to ensure reliability and consistency for end-users. By understanding and mitigating the 499 errors, administrators and developers can improve uptime and user experience in their web applications.