NGINX error_page directive: An in-depth guide

Updated: January 21, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment

Introduction to error_page Directive

In the world of web servers, NGINX stands out for its performance, stability, and rich feature set. One of the key features of NGINX configurations is the error_page directive. This tutorial will provide a comprehensive understanding of the error_page directive, illustrating why it’s crucial for providing a better user experience and how to configure custom error responses in your NGINX setup.

Understanding error_page Syntax

The basic syntax of the error_page directive goes as follows:

error_page code ... [uri]

In this syntax, ‘code’ represents one or more HTTP response codes, and ‘uri’ is the replacement URI for the error page presented to the client. For example:

error_page 404 /custom_404.html;

This simple line will direct any 404 (Page Not Found) errors to the /custom_404.html page. It’s important to note that any URI used for the error response should repeatedly lead to an existing resource on the server.

Setting Up Custom Error Pages

Configuring custom error pages is a straightforward process. Compound error-page handling is possible as well:

error_page 500 502 503 504 /custom_50x.html;

With multiple response codes specified, the server will use the same URI for any of the listed responses.

Advanced Configurations

In addition to simple URI redirection, NGINX offers more capabilities. For instance, you can use a special code ‘507’ to provide a custom URI for non-standard errors:

error_page 403 404 =507 /forbidden_or_not_found.html;

With this setup, a 403 or 404 error will display a 507 error status along with the contents of the custom URI. You may also return 200 OK status code:

error_page 404 =200 /ok_instead.html;

Similarly, you can cause a named location to be internally redirected using the ‘@’ prefix:

error_page 403 /custom_403.html;
location = /custom_403.html {

In another scenario, NGINX allows redirection to a named location for handling errors dynamically:

error_page 404 = @404_handler;
location @404_handler {
  # Error handling configuration

Note the use of the named location @404_handler that encompasses specific error-handling instructions, like proxying the request to an application server or running a script to serve dynamic content.

Error Page Handling for Proxy Servers

When NGINX is used as a reverse proxy, the error_page directive also lets you handle errors generated by the proxied server:

location / {
  proxy_pass http://my_upstream;
  error_page 502 503 504 @fallback;

location @fallback {
  return 503;

This snippet ensures that if your upstream server is down or unreachable (502, 503, 504 response codes), NGINX serves a 503 Service Unavailable error instead of displaying the default proxy errors.

Custom Error Log Directive

The configuration opportunities extend to error logs as well. For traffic auditing or monitoring purposes, logging error responses that use a custom page allows detailed inspection:

error_page 404 /custom_404.html;
access_log /path/to/custom_404.log custom;

Where ‘custom’ is a log format that you’ve defined which might include the requested URL, error code, client’s IP, and more. It is important to align the logging strategy with your data handling policy.

Best Practices for error_page Directive

There are a few points to emphasize when working with NGINX’s error_page directive:

  • Always ensure that your custom error pages are lightweight and load quickly.
  • Remember to provide an appropriate HTTP status code; misrepresenting server errors with a ‘200 OK’ status can confuse users and search engines.
  • Consider the use cases for your error pages – whether they’re to maintain branding, provide useful error information, or offer links back into main site content.
  • Use named locations pragmatically as they add a layer of abstraction.
  • Set up proper logging for your custom error pages to diagnose problems effectively.


NGINX’s error_page directive provides a flexible, efficient means to handle error responses. By understanding its syntax and options, we can create better user experiences in the event of errors. Implementing custom error documents strengthens branding, helps troubleshooting, and maintains the integrity of your web services. Now ready to configure your web server more effectively, always test your configuration to avoid any unnecessary downtime.