NGINX error: Permission denied while connecting to upstream

Updated: January 20, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


When managing a web server, especially NGINX, it’s quite common to encounter various errors that might halt your productivity and push you to delve into the realm of troubleshooting. One common error that might appear is Permission denied while connecting to upstream. Understanding the reason behind this error and how to fix it can save you a substantial amount of time and protect your website from unwanted downtime.

Causes & Solutions for the Error

The error message stating Permission denied while connecting to upstream is essentially informing you that NGINX, while operating as a reverse proxy and trying to pass a request to the upstream server, was prevented from doing so. In a Unix-like system, this typically points to a system-level permission issue that blocks the NGINX process from accessing certain files or ports necessary for fulfilling the request.

Let’s explore the common causes and ways to fix this error to keep your web services running smoothly.

Incorrect File Permissions

One of the first things to check when you get a permission denied error is to ensure that the NGINX process has sufficient permission to access the files it is trying to serve.

# Check the ownership and permissions of your web content
cd /path/to/your/content
ls -l

# If necessary, modify the permission to make it accessible to the NGINX user
cd /path/to/your/content
chown -R nginx:nginx *
chmod -R 755 *

Always ensure that the NGINX process user has read (and execute for directories) permissions to the content.

SELinux Policy Violation

In CentOS, Fedora, and other distributions that come with SELinux enabled by default, NGINX might not have the permissions it requires because of the SELinux context. In this case, you have to update the context to allow NGINX to make the network connections.

# Show SELinux context for the web root
cd /path/to/your/content
ls -Z

# Changing SELinux to permissive mode or disable it (not recommended)
setenforce 0

# Add the correct SELinux policies for NGINX
setsebool -P httpd_can_network_connect on
restorecon -Rv /path/to/your/content

User and Worker Processes Configuration

Another angle of investigation is making sure the user that runs the NGINX worker processes has the proper permissions. Check your NGINX configuration files to verify the user setting.

# Open the main NGINX configuration file
cd /etc/nginx
cat nginx.conf

# Look for the 'user' directive and ensure it matches your permissions setup
user nginx;

File Descriptors Limit

If the permissions seem correct, NGINX might be hitting the limit of open files allowed by the system. To check current limits and alter them if necessary, do the following:

# Check current file descriptor limit for the NGINX process
ulimit -n

# Increase the limit by editing '/etc/security/limits.conf' or creating a dedicated '/etc/security/limits.d/nginx.conf' file
echo 'nginx soft nofile 1024
nginx hard nofile 4096' | tee /etc/security/limits.d/nginx.conf

Remember to replace ‘nginx’ with the actual user NGINX runs under on your system.

Binding on Privileged Ports

If NGINX is set to bind to a port below 1024, these are privileged ports, and it will require root access. To allow NGINX to bind to these ports as a non-root user, set the appropriate capabilities:

# Add capabilities to bind to privileged ports
setcap 'cap_net_bind_service=+ep' /usr/sbin/nginx

Firewall Restrictions

Last but not least, ensure your server’s firewall isn’t blocking the connections for NGINX.

# If you're using 'firewalld', make sure to allow the relevant services or ports
firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=public --add-service=http
firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=public --add-service=https
firewall-cmd --reload

Adjusting these settings accordingly and ensuring that your network is properly configured will help you find the root of the ‘Permission denied while connecting to upstream’ error.


Tracking down ‘Permission denied while connecting to upstream’ issues in NGINX can be challenging. However, taking systematic steps to ensure permission settings, SELinux policies, and system limits are all in order can go a long way in resolving such errors. Regularly maintaining configurations and keeping an eye on server logs should help prevent these issues from arising again in the future.

As with all server operations, when making changes to your NGINX configuration or system settings, perform the changes carefully, and test the configuration before going live. Now that you know the common causes of upstream connection permission issues in NGINX and how to address them, you’re well-equipped to handle this error should it manifest in your web serving environment.