NGINX location modifiers: The practical guide

Updated: January 21, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


NGINX is a powerful web server software that is widely used for its performance, reliability, and flexibility. One of NGINX’s standout features is the way it handles request URIs through location blocks. Location blocks determine how NGINX responds to various requests. Modifiers control the matching behavior, making it a critical aspect of server configuration. This guide offers a practical look at NGINX location modifiers, exploring their syntax, uses, and best practices through concrete examples.

Understanding Location Blocks

Before diving into modifiers specifically, it’s essential to have a solid understanding of what location blocks are and how they operate within an NGINX configuration file. The ‘location’ directive allows you to specify blocks of configuration that apply only to certain request URIs.

location / {
 // Basic configuration for the root URI

In this most basic form, NGINX will apply the configuration inside this location block to all requests for the root URI on the server.

Types of Location Modifiers

NGINX offers several types of location modifiers to match request URIs in different ways. The following are the key modifiers you’ll encounter:

  • None: If no modifier is present, NGINX uses a prefix match. The first matching block is used.
  • =: Exact match modifier assures that the location block is processed only if the request URI exactly matches the specified location.
  • ~: The case-sensitive regular expression match provides versatility and specificity in your routing conditions.
  • ~*: Similar to ‘~’, but case-insensitive, offering flexibility while defining match patterns.
  • ^~: A non-regex, priority prefix match that prioritizes over regex matches but remains flexible.
location = /exact/match {
 // Configuration for an exact URI match
location ~ /case/sensitive/regex {
 // Configuration for a case-sensitive regex match
location ~* /case/insensitive/regex {
 // Configuration for a case-insensitive regex match
location ^~ /priority/match {
 // Configuration for a priority prefix match

Using these modifiers, administrators have granular control over request handling, enabling more optimized and secure NGINX environments.

Exact Matches

The exact match modifier ‘=’ tells NGINX to only process the block if the URI matches exactly. This is used for routing specific requests to predefined paths.

location = /logo.png {
  alias /path/to/logo.png;

With this configuration, only requests to ‘’ will be served ‘logo.png’ from the specified alias path. If ‘/logo.png’ is requested with any additional path or query information, this block will not be triggered.

Priority Prefix Matches

The ‘^~’ modifier tells NGINX to match any requests beginning with the given string. Unlike the prefix match without a modifier, this match has priority over regular expressions when there’s a competing location block.

location ^~ /images/ {
  root /path/to/images;

This tells NGINX that any request starting with ‘/images/’ should be served from the ‘/path/to/images’ directory.

Regular Expression Matches

Regular expression matches are denoted by ‘~’ (case-sensitive) or ‘~*’ (case-insensitive) and offer precise control for complex matching conditions.

location ~ \.(gif|jpg|png)$ {
  root /path/to/images;

This serves any image files with the extensions ‘gif’, ‘jpg’, or ‘png’ from the specified root directory, matching the case exactly.

location ~* \.(gif|jpg|png)$ {
  root /path/to/images;

In contrast, this block is case-insensitive, serving ‘.GIF’, ‘.JPG’, or ‘.PNG’ in addition to the lower-case versions.

Choosing the Right Modifier

Selecting the right location modifier is critical for an efficient NGINX configuration. Consider specificity, performance, and maintenance when determining your approach.

  • The exact match ‘=’ is exceedingly performant but only useful for distinct URIs.
  • The priority prefix match ‘^~’ can efficiently handle requests for certain directories.
  • Regular expression matches provide flexibility but can introduce performance costs if overused.

Leveraging proper location directives, with the appropriate modifiers, is both an art and a science within NGINX’s configuration domain.

Advanced Scenarios and Tips

Here are a few advanced scenarios where knowledge of NGINX location modifiers can be applied for effective server configuration:

  • Restricting access to a directory except for certain IP addresses.
  • Routing requests to different backend services based on URI patterns.
  • Serving different content types from different filesystem paths fluently.

When writing NGINX location blocks:

  • Always test your configuration with ‘nginx -t’ before applying them to live environments.
  • Use include statements to manage large or complex configurations for maintainability.
  • Orient your regex patterns for performance, attempting to fail fast on mismatched URIs.

By applying these practices, you can ensure a solid and scalable web server infrastructure.


The power of NGINX location blocks lies in the precise control they provide over web content delivery. By understanding and correctly applying location modifiers, server administrators can create highly optimized configurations tailored to specific use cases. Remember to always consider the specificity, performance, and readability of your NGINX configuration. A thoughtful approach to using location modifiers will lead to a robust, secure, and streamlined NGINX server setup.