NGINX & React Router error: 404 not found

Updated: January 20, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment

The Issue

Deploying a React Single Page Application (SPA) with NGINX often leads to a common issue: receiving a ‘404 not found’ for routes managed by React Router. The error occurs because NGINX doesn’t natively understand the client-side routing strategy employed by React Router. If you’re in this predicament, fear not. Our tutorial is a lifeline, extending curls of wisdom to pull you from the depths of HTTP status despair.


Solution 1: NGINX Configuration Update

To direct traffic correctly, a common solution is to update your NGINX configuration so that all routes default to your index.html, allowing React Router to handle routing.

  1. Edit your nginx.conf file (typically located in /etc/nginx or /usr/local/nginx).
  2. Locate the server block for your application.
  3. Within the location block, update the try_files directive to serve index.html as a fallback.
  4. Restart NGINX to apply the changes.

 location / {
     try_files $uri /index.html;

This approach is straightforward and directly compatible with SPA routing. However, be aware that this strategy might result in a slight loss of server-side efficiency, as all unresolved routes will load the entire app.

Solution 2: Error Page Handling

Another method is to direct 404 errors to your index.html, allowing React Router to manage the routing from there.

  1. Like the first solution, start by editing nginx.conf within the appropriate server block.
  2. Add or modify the error_page directive to point 404 errors to your root index.html.
  3. Ensure that the root directive is set to the location of your built React app.
  4. Restart NGINX to see the change.

 error_page 404 =200 /index.html;
 location / {
     root /path/to/your/react/app;

This solution maintains separate server error handling, which can be beneficial for tracking and logging issues. But similar to the first solution, using this method may also load the full app for any missing route.

Solution 3: NGINX Map Directive

For a more nuanced approach, use the NGINX map directive to conditionally redirect based on the requesting URL.

  • Define a map directive at the http level in your nginx.conf.
  • Create a variable that maps nonexistent files or directories to a default route.
  • Refer to your new variable within the server block, using the try_files directive to default to index.html.
  • Reload to propagate your configurational evolution.
http {
     map $uri $route {
         ~*^/. 0;
         default 1;

server {
   location / {
       try_files $uri $uri/ $route =404;
       root /path/to/your/react/app;

By leveraging map, we blend precision with flexibility. This solution can differentiate between requests that should result in an app load versus a legitimate 404. However, it requires a broader understanding of NGINX configuration syntax and directives.


In summary, configuring NGINX to play nicely with React Router requires a few targeted tweaks to your setup. By ensuring that all paths lead back to index.html, you honor the routing rules defined within your SPA. As with any powerful tool, slap on those best practice gloves – these adjustments are potent, yet when mishandled, may yield undesirable performance woes or expose gaps in server security.