NGINX Redirect Loop Error: Causes and Solutions

Updated: January 20, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Encountering a redirect loop in NGINX is a common issue that can lead to a frustrating user experience, where the browser is stuck in an endless cycle of redirections, eventually leading to an error page. This article provides multiple solutions to diagnose and fix redirect loops in NGINX.

Solution 1: Check NGINX Configuration for Redundant Redirects

Redundant redirects within NGINX configuration files are a common cause of redirect loops. Inspecting the configuration files for any unintended or conflicting redirect directives is the first step.

  • Open the NGINX configuration file in a text editor.
  • Search for ‘return’ and ‘rewrite’ directives that may lead to a loop.
  • Revise or remove any redundant or conflicting redirection rules.
  • Test the NGINX configuration with nginx -t.
  • Reload NGINX with service nginx reload or nginx -s reload.


server {
    listen 80;

    location / {
        # Ensure there's no redundant or conflicting redirects
        return 301$request_uri;

Notes: Always test your configuration before applying changes to avoid downtime. Redundant redirects can easily be overlooked and might only affect specific scenarios or paths, so check the configuration thoroughly.

Solution 2: Clear Browser and Server Caches

Caching issues can cause old redirection rules to persist even after configuration changes.

  • Clear the browser cache or use an incognito window when testing.
  • Clear the server-side cache if you are using a caching mechanism.

Clearing cache is an action generally carried out in the browser or via the command line for server caches and does not involve NGINX configuration changes.

Notes: Even after you fix the configuration, cached redirects can make it seem like the loop still persists. Remember, server-side caching systems like Varnish, and browser caches can both impact redirects.

Solution 3: Check for Cookie-Based Redirects

Session or cookie-based redirects should be inspected to ensure they are not causing loops.

  • Review application code to see if cookies or session variables are used to handle redirects.
  • Ensure the logic governing these redirects correctly distinguishes different states or user authorizations.
  • Test with cookies disabled to isolate the issue.

This is a code issue related to the backend application, and not specifically an NGINX configuration issue.

Notes: Cookie-based redirection might have complex logic tied to user state; careful analysis is needed to prevent unintended loops. Applications should have a clear state management strategy to avoid such errors.

Solution 4: Check Upstream Services and Proxies

If NGINX is configured as a reverse proxy, ensure that upstream services are not responsible for the redirects.

  • Check the proxy_pass directives and the responses from upstream services.
  • Remove or adjust any conflicting redirects from the application powering the upstream service.
  • Use curl or other similar tools to test the raw HTTP response from upstream services.


server {
    listen 80;

    location / {
        # Ensure upstream service is not redirecting back to this location
        proxy_pass http://upstream-service;

Notes: Load balancers, application servers, or any intermediary proxy can also introduce redirect loops. It is crucial to test each layer independently when diagnosing redirect loops.


To address an NGINX redirect loop, start by examining your NGINX configuration files for redundant or conflicting rules, and make sure to test after making changes. Don’t overlook the importance of clearing caches, as this can often resolve seeming loop issues immediately after corrections. Check for any cookie-based redirects on the application side, which could inadvertently cause loops. Lastly, ensure that any upstream services or proxies are not introducing the loops by meticulously reviewing their configuration and behavior. With these approaches, you should be able to identify and resolve redirect loops in your NGINX setup effectively.