Null Coalescing Operator in PHP: Embracing Graceful Defaults

Updated: January 9, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


The null coalescing operator introduced in PHP 7 provides a clean and succinct way to use a default value when a variable is null.

Getting Started with ‘??’

In PHP, the null coalescing operator (??) is a syntactic sugar construct that simplifies the task of checking for the existence and value of a variable. Prior to its introduction in PHP 7, developers would often utilize the isset() function combined with a ternary conditional to achieve a similar result. Let’s see this with a basic code example:

$username = isset($_GET['user']) ? $_GET['user'] : 'anonymous';

With the null coalescing operator, this simplifies to:

$username = $_GET['user'] ?? 'anonymous';

This approach immediately streamlines the code, making it more readable and easier to maintain.

Advancing with Null Coalescing

The operator is not only limited to simple variable checks but can be used with multiple operands, evaluating from left to right until it finds a non-null value. Let’s dive deeper with an advanced example:

$username = $_GET['user'] ?? $_SESSION['user'] ?? 'anonymous';

This progresses through the $_GET, $_SESSION arrays, and ends with a literal if all else fails.

It also works seamlessly with functions and method calls. For instance:

$username = getUserFromDatabase($id) ?? 'fallback';

In this scenario, if getUserFromDatabase($id) returns null, ‘fallback’ will be used.

Working with Complex Structures

The null coalescing operator is versatile, and can be directly applied to multi-dimensional arrays and even JSON objects. Consider the following example:

$configValue = $appConfig['database']['host'] ?? 'localhost';

Let’s take it a step further with objects:

$profilePic = $user->getProfile()->getPicture() ?? 'default.jpg';

This code elegantly attempts to retrieve a profile picture, defaulting if nothing is returned.

Combining with Other PHP 7 Features

PHP 7 introduces other syntactic improvements such as the spaceship operator (<=>) for comparisons. Combine these with the null coalescing operator for powerful expressions. For example:

$status = $session['status'] ?? 'unknown';
// Now use the spaceship operator for comparison
echo (0 <=> $status); // Outputs -1, 0, or 1

Real-World Scenarios

In real-world applications, embracing the null coalescing operator means focusing on the business logic rather than boilerplate checks. It particularly shines in scenarios involving configuration, forms, APIs, and conditional displays. The operator often becomes indispensable in modern PHP development workflows.

For instance, when processing API input:

$apiResponse = processApiResponse($inputData) ?? [];

Or, setting up a GUI with language fallbacks:

$labelText = $languageLabels[$currentLanguage]['submit'] ?? $languageLabels['en']['submit'] ?? 'Submit';

Good Practices and Pitfalls

While highly practical, there are scenarios where the null coalescing operator isn’t suitable. It should not replace proper validation and sanitization of user data, nor should it be overused in complex conditions where clearer logic may be needed for maintenance purposes. As with any tool in programming, using it judiciously is key.

Performance Implications

Performance-wise, the null coalescing operator is a favorable choice. Typically, it’s faster than combining isset() with a ternary operator due to reduced opcode generation. Let’s validate with a timed test:

// Traditional isset with ternary operator
$start = microtime(true);
$result = isset($data['key']) ? $data['key'] : 'default';
$timeTaken = microtime(true) - $start;

// Using null coalescing operator
$start = microtime(true);
$result = $data['key'] ?? 'default';
$timeTaken = microtime(true) - $start;

You’re likely to notice slight but consistent speed advantages using the null coalescing operator.


The null coalescing operator in PHP streamlines default value assignment and contributes to cleaner code. As PHP continues to evolve, adopting such features not only leverages language efficiency but also enhances developer expressiveness and intent. In essence, the ?? operator fine-tunes the syntax dance that we perform every day as PHP developers.