NumPy: Drawing samples from the noncentral F distribution (3 examples)

Updated: February 28, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


The noncentral F distribution is a vital tool in statistics, particularly in the analysis of variance and in constructing predictive models. NumPy, a cornerstone library for numerical computing in Python, provides an efficient way to draw samples from this distribution, enabling the simulation of complex statistical phenomena.

Drawing samples from the noncentral F distribution can enhance the robustness of statistical tests by accounting for the effect sizes, making our analysis more accurate and informative. This tutorial will guide you through the process of generating these samples using NumPy, illustrated with three examples of increasing complexity.

Understanding the Noncentral F Distribution

Before diving into the examples, let’s clarify what the noncentral F distribution is. It’s a continuous probability distribution that generalizes the better-known F distribution to include a noncentrality parameter. This parameter represents the degree to which the null hypothesis is false, making the distribution crucial for understanding the power of a statistical test under various alternative hypotheses.

The distribution’s PDF (Probability Density Function) is complex, involving modified Bessel functions of the first kind. However, for practical purposes, you don’t need to understand the intricacies of the PDF to draw samples from it using NumPy.

Example 1: Basic Sample Generation

Let’s start with the basics. Drawing a simple sample from the noncentral F distribution in NumPy requires the numpy.random.noncentral_f function. The function takes four parameters: dfnum, dfden, nonc, and size. The first two are the degrees of freedom for the numerator and the denominator, respectively; nonc is the noncentrality parameter, and size specifies the sample size. Here’s how you might do it:

import numpy as np

# Parameters
dfnum = 10  # numerator degrees of freedom
dfden = 20  # denominator degrees of freedom
nonc = 2.5  # noncentrality parameter
size = 1000  # sample size

# Generate the sample
sample = np.random.noncentral_f(dfnum, dfden, nonc, size)

# Output a few samples for verification purposes

Output (vary, due to the randomness):

[1.03141055 0.6983088  2.72970137 1.26238241 0.71646915]

This code generates 1000 randomly sampled values from the noncentral F distribution with specified degrees of freedom and noncentrality parameter. The output shows the first five values of the generated sample, demonstrating the function’s capability.

Example 2: Comparative Analysis

Next, let’s perform a comparative study by generating samples with varying noncentrality parameters. This procedure can help us understand the impact of the noncentrality parameter on the shape of the distribution.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Generate samples with different noncentrality parameters
params = [0.5, 1.5, 2.5]
samples = {param: np.random.noncentral_f(dfnum, dfden, param, size) for param in params}

# Plot the results
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
for param, data in samples.items():
    ax.hist(data, bins=40, alpha=0.5, label=f'Nonc: {param}')
plt.title('Noncentral F Distribution with Varying Noncentrality Parameters')

This example demonstrates how the distribution’s shape changes with different noncentrality parameters, a vital insight for practical statistical analysis.

Example 3: Parameter Estimation with Empirical Data

In our final example, we aim to visually estimate the noncentrality parameter by fitting empirical data to our generated noncentral F distribution samples. This process can be particularly useful for determining the potential power of a test under alternative hypothesis scenarios.

from scipy import stats

# Assume we have some empirical data
empirical_data = [some_distribution_fitting_to_noncentral_F]

# Estimate the parameters
params_est =

# Generate a sample for visualization
simulated_sample = np.random.noncentral_f(params_est[0], params_est[1], nonc, size)

# Compare empirical and simulated data
cmp, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.hist(empirical_data, bins=40, alpha=0.5, label='Empirical Data')
ax.hist(simulated_sample, bins=40, alpha=0.5, label='Simulated Sample')
plt.title('Empirical vs. Simulated Noncentral F Distribution')

This example illustrates the utility of the noncentral F distribution in modeling real-world data and highlights the importance of parameter estimation in statistical analysis.


Drawing samples from the noncentral F distribution is a powerful tool in the statistical analysis arsenal, offering insights into how varying hypotheses can impact test results. Throughout this tutorial, we have explored how to utilize NumPy to generate samples from this distribution. Starting with basic samples, moving through comparative analysis, and concluding with practical application in parameter estimation, we have seen the versatility and usefulness of this approach. Remember, understanding your tools deeply enhances the quality and interpretability of your statistical analyses, leading to more informed decisions.