NumPy – Explaining np.cosh() and np.arccosh() functions (4 examples)

Updated: February 26, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


This tutorial is geared towards providing a detailed exploration of two specific NumPy functions: np.cosh() and np.arccosh(). These functions are instrumental in mathematical computation dealing with hyperbolic cosines and their inverse operations within the NumPy library, a cornerstone for scientific computing in Python. We will delve into their syntax, use cases, and present a variety of examples illustrating their application from basic to advanced scenarios.

Understanding Hyperbolic Functions

The hyperbolic cosine function, denoted as cosh(x), calculates the hyperbolic cosine of an input array element-wise. It serves crucial roles in various mathematical and physical contexts, akin to its trigonometric counterpart but for hyperbolic angles. The inverse hyperbolic cosine function, arccosh(x), computes the inverse operation, returning values whose hyperbolic cosine is the given input.

Getting Started with np.cosh()

Before diving into the examples, it is vital to understand the convention and syntax. The general form is np.cosh(x), where x can be a number, a list, or a NumPy array. Let’s look at some straightforward examples to get a feel for how np.cosh() operates.

Example 1: Basic Usage of np.cosh()

import numpy as np

# Single value
x = 0
print('np.cosh(0):', np.cosh(x))

# Output: np.cosh(0): 1.0

In this example, you see how feeding a singular value (zero, in this case) into np.cosh() returns the hyperbolic cosine of zero, which is 1. This illustrates the fundamental behavior of hyperbolic functions akin to e^0 = 1.

Example 2: Applying np.cosh() on a NumPy array

import numpy as np

# NumPy array
arr = np.array([0, np.pi/2, np.pi, 2*np.pi])
print('np.cosh(array):\n', np.cosh(arr))

# Output:
# np.cosh(array):
# [ 1.         2.50917848 11.59195328 267.74676148]

This example demonstrates that np.cosh() works equally well on arrays, processing each element independently and returning an array of the same dimension filled with the hyperbolic cosine values of the original elements.

Diving Deeper with np.arccosh()

Transitioning to the np.arccosh() function, its primary caveat is that it can only process input values greater than or equal to 1, as these are the only values for which the operation is defined. The syntax is np.arccosh(x).

Example 3: Basic Use of np.arccosh()

import numpy as np

# Single value
x = 1
print('np.arccosh(1):', np.arccosh(x))

# Output: np.arccosh(1): 0.0

In this instance, passing the value 1 into np.arccosh() returns 0, illustrating how it finds the angle whose hyperbolic cosine is 1.

Example 4: Exploring Error Handling

import numpy as np

# Attempting to compute np.arccosh() with a value less than 1
    result = np.arccosh(-1)
except ValueError:
    print('Error: Input value needs to be greater than or equal to 1 for np.arccosh()')

# Interpretation: This behavior highlights the importance of understanding the domain of the function.

Accuracy and precision in input values are crucial when working with mathematical functions to avoid exceptions. This example underscores the significance of domain knowledge in leveraging NumPy’s powerful array-processing capabilities effectively.

Advanced Applications

To further demonstrate the versatility of np.cosh() and np.arccosh(), let us delve into more complicated applications, such as integrating these functions into mathematical computations, solving equations, or conducting scientific data analysis.

Here’s an example that illustrates the use of np.cosh() and np.arccosh() for solving a specific mathematical problem, which could be part of scientific data analysis or complex equation solving. This example demonstrates finding the hyperbolic cosine (cosh) of an array of values and then applying the inverse hyperbolic cosine (arccosh) to the result, effectively showing how these functions can be used in computations:

import numpy as np

# Define an array of angles
angles = np.linspace(0, 5, num=100)

# Calculate the hyperbolic cosine of these angles
cosh_values = np.cosh(angles)

# Now, apply the inverse hyperbolic cosine (arccosh) to these cosh values
# Note: This operation should ideally recover the original angles,
#       since arccosh(cosh(x)) = x for all x in the domain of cosh.
arccosh_values = np.arccosh(cosh_values)

# Integrate np.cosh() over the range of angles using the trapezoidal rule
# This could represent a scientific data analysis task, such as finding the area under a curve.
area_under_cosh = np.trapz(cosh_values, angles)

print("Original angles:", angles)
print("Hyperbolic cosine values:", cosh_values)
print("Recovered angles via arccosh:", arccosh_values)
print("Area under the hyperbolic cosine curve:", area_under_cosh)

# This example showcases the use of np.cosh() and np.arccosh() in computations,
# and how they can be integral to solving equations and conducting scientific data analysis.


Through this tutorial, we have journeyed from the basic syntax and usage of NumPy’s np.cosh() and np.arccosh() functions to examples that highlight their utility in both straightforward and complex computational contexts. Understanding these functions enriches one’s toolkit for tackling mathematical problems in Python, particularly those involving hyperbolic functions.