NumPy – How to get the imaginary part of an array (4 examples)

Updated: February 26, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


NumPy is a fundamental package for scientific computing in Python. It offers a powerful N-dimensional array object and a collection of routines for processing those arrays. Among its many features, NumPy provides convenient functions to work with complex numbers. In this tutorial, we will focus on how to extract the imaginary parts of complex numbers from a NumPy array. We’ll cover from the very basic to more advanced examples, suitable for beginners and more experienced users alike.

What are Complex Numbers in NumPy?

Before diving into the code examples, it’s crucial to understand what complex numbers are and how NumPy handles them. A complex number has a real part and an imaginary part, represented as a + bj, where a is the real part, b is the imaginary part, and j is the square root of -1. In NumPy, complex numbers are represented as np.complex64 or np.complex128 depending on the precision.

Example 1: Basic Extraction of Imaginary Parts

import numpy as np

# Creating a complex number array
arr = np.array([1+2j, 3+4j, 5+6j])

# Extracting the imaginary parts
imaginary_parts = arr.imag

# Displaying the result


[2. 4. 6.]

This example demonstrates the simplest way to extract the imaginary part from a NumPy array of complex numbers. The .imag attribute directly provides the array of the imaginary components.

Example 2: Arrays with Mixed DataTypes

When working with NumPy arrays containing both real and complex numbers, applying the .imag attribute only extracts the imaginary parts, leaving the real numbers as zero. Here’s how you can handle such scenarios:

import numpy as np

# Mixed data types array
mixed_arr = np.array([1, 2+3j, 4.5])

# Extracting the imaginary parts
imag_mixed = mixed_arr.imag

# Display the result


[0. 3. 0.]

This example shows that NumPy cleverly handles the extraction by returning 0 for elements without an imaginary part, ensuring the result is consistent and easy to work with.

Example 3: Applying Mathematical Operations

NumPy also allows for complex mathematical operations on arrays that include imaginary numbers. Lets delve into a practical example where we perform an operation involving the imaginary parts.

import numpy as np

# Complex array
comp_arr = np.array([1+2j, 3+4j, 5+6j])

# Doubling the imaginary parts
double_imag = np.array([x.real + (x.imag * 2) * 1j for x in comp_arr])

# Displaying the result


[1.+4.j  3.+8.j  5.+12.j]

In this example, we’ve effectively doubled the imaginary part of each complex number in the array. This showcases the flexibility of NumPy in handling complex operations by using a comprehensive manipulation of the array’s elements.

Example 4: Advanced Array Filtering

Filtering arrays based on the imaginary part is another practical application. This can be especially useful in complex datasets where you might want to isolate or remove elements based on their imaginary value. Here’s how:

import numpy as np

# Complex number array
complex_arr = np.array([1+2j, 2, 3+4j, 4+5j, 5])

# Filtering array elements with imaginary part greater than 2
filtered_arr = np.array([x for x in complex_arr if x.imag > 2])

# Displaying the filtered array


[3.+4.j  4.+5.j]

This advanced example demonstrates how to use list comprehensions with NumPy arrays to filter out complex numbers based on their imaginary parts. It shows the power and flexibility of Python and NumPy when working with complex datasets.


Throughout this tutorial, we’ve seen various methods to extract and manipulate the imaginary parts of complex numbers within NumPy arrays. Starting from basic extraction to performing mathematical operations and advanced filtering, these examples should provide a solid foundation for working with complex numbers in NumPy. Understanding how to manipulate these elements can be incredibly useful in scientific computing, data analysis, and beyond.