NumPy – Making use of ufunc.ntypes attribute (5 examples)

Updated: March 2, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment

NumPy, a fundamental package for scientific computing in Python, provides a wide array of numerical operations. One of the lesser-known but potent features of NumPy is the universal functions, or ufuncs, which allow for fast element-wise operations. A key attribute of ufuncs that this article focuses on is ufunc.ntypes, which provides valuable insights into the types supported by any given ufunc. Understanding ufunc.ntypes is crucial for ensuring compatibility and optimizing performance.

Understanding ufuncs

Broadly speaking, ufuncs are functions that operate on ndarrays in an element-wise fashion. What makes them exceptionally powerful is their ability to perform operations at C-speed, significantly boosting computation time over traditional Python loops. A ufunc operates on provided inputs according to the function’s rule and broadcasts the inputs to execute these operations over arrays of different sizes efficiently.

Exploring the ufunc.ntypes Attribute

The ufunc.ntypes attribute reveals the number of data types a ufunc can operate over. This becomes particularly useful when working with different data types, ensuring that the operation will be supported. It not merely shows the capability but also aids in selecting the most appropriate data type for an operation, thus maintaining efficiency and preventing type-related errors.

Example 1: Basic Usage

import numpy as np

# Example ufunc
addition = np.add

# Displaying the number of supported types
print(f"Number of supported types by np.add: {addition.ntypes}")


Number of supported types by np.add: 22

This simple example demonstrates how to query the number of data types supported by the np.add function. The output, which can easily be verified, displays the breadth of types over which the addition ufunc can operate.

Example 2: Comparing ufuncs

import numpy as np

# Comparing two ufuncs
addition = np.add
multiplication = np.multiply

print(f"np.add supports {addition.ntypes} types.")
print(f"np.multiply supports {multiplication.ntypes} types.")


np.add supports 22 types.
np.multiply supports 23 types.

By comparing the ntypes attribute of np.add and np.multiply, we can start understanding the versatility of different ufuncs. This comparison provides insight into how some functions may offer wider compatibility with data types, potentially influencing the choice of operation.

Example 3: Addressing Type Compatibility

import numpy as np

# Checking compatibility with a specific type
ufunc = np.divide

# Attempt to understand if float64 is supported
is_supported = 'f8' in ufunc.types
print(f"Is float64 supported by np.divide? {is_supported}")

In this more advanced usage, we delve into the ufunc.types attribute, indirectly related to ntypes, to check for compatibility with specific data types like float64 (denoted by ‘f8’). This method elevates our ability to ensure type compatibility before performing operations, thereby reducing runtime errors.

Example 4: Optimizing Performance with Appropriate Types

import numpy as np

# Investigating optimal types
ufunc = np.power

# Listing supported types
print(f"Supported types by np.power: {', '.join(ufunc.types)}")

# Selecting an optimal type
# This is a hypothetical selection based on our requirement
optimal_type = 'l' # Assuming 'l' for long integers optimizes our use case
is_optimal = optimal_type in ufunc.types
print(f"Is long integer an optimal type for np.power? {is_optimal}")


Is float64 supported by np.divide? False

This example introduces a strategic approach, where upon knowing the supported types from ntypes, one can deliberate on the optimal type to use for a particular operation considering performance and precision requirements.

Example 5: Using a Ufunc on a Structured Array’s Numerical Field

Suppose we have a structured array with an integer field and a string field, and we want to apply a mathematical operation to the integer field using a ufunc, then discuss the ntypes attribute of the ufunc.

import numpy as np

# Define a structured data type
dtype = [('id', 'i4'), ('name', 'U10')]

# Create a structured array
data = np.array([(1, 'Alice'), (2, 'Bob'), (3, 'Cathy'), (4, 'Dan')], dtype=dtype)

# Extract the 'id' field to which we will apply a ufunc
ids = data['id']

# Use a ufunc - np.square to square the ids
squared_ids = np.square(ids)

# Show the squared ids
print("Squared IDs:", squared_ids)

# Discussing ufunc.ntypes
# np.square is a ufunc, let's print its ntypes
print("np.square supports ntypes:", np.square.ntypes)


Squared IDs: [ 1  4  9 16]
np.square supports ntypes: 18


  • Structured Array Creation: A structured array is created with integer and string fields representing id and name, respectively.
  • Applying a Ufunc: The np.square ufunc is applied to the id field extracted from the structured array. Ufuncs operate element-wise on the array, returning a new array with the operation applied to each element.
  • Ufunc ntypes: After applying np.square, we discuss its ntypes attribute. The ntypes attribute tells us how many different data type signatures np.square can operate on, which is indicative of its versatility across different data types.

This example demonstrates how to work around the limitations of applying ufuncs directly to structured arrays by focusing on a numerical field within the array. It also provides insight into the ntypes attribute of ufuncs, highlighting their flexibility in handling different numerical data types.


Understanding and utilizing the ufunc.ntypes attribute in NumPy is key to unlocking efficient and error-free numerical computations. By ensuring compatibility and selecting optimal data types, developers can significantly enhance the performance of their numerical operations in Python.