NumPy ndarray.base attribute (6 examples)

Updated: February 25, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Understanding the ndarray.base attribute in NumPy is crucial for efficient and effective manipulation of array data in Python. This attribute provides insights into the memory layout of the array and its relationship with other arrays, which can be especially useful when dealing with views, copies, and memory management. In this tutorial, we will explore the ndarray.base attribute through six practical examples, ranging from basic to advanced use cases.

What is ndarray.base Used for?

The ndarray.base attribute of a NumPy array returns the base object if the memory of the array is owned by some other object. Essentially, this attribute is used to discover whether an array is a view of another base array. If the array owns its memory, as is the case with arrays that are not views but are created independently, ndarray.base will be None.

Basic Examples

Example 1: Creating a Base Array

import numpy as np

# Create an array
arr = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
print(f"Base of arr: {arr.base}")

This example demonstrates the creation of a simple array. Since arr is not a view of another array, its base attribute returns None, indicating that it owns its memory.

Example 2: Creating a View of an Array

import numpy as np

# Create an original array
original = np.array([10, 20, 30, 40, 50])

# Create a view by slicing
view = original[1:4]
print(f"Base of view: {view.base}")

In this example, view is created by slicing original, making view a view of original. Therefore, the base attribute of view returns the original array, confirming that it does not own its memory but rather shares it with original.

Intermediate Examples

Example 3: Modifying the View and Reflecting on the Base Array

import numpy as np

# Create an original array and a view
original = np.array([10, 20, 30, 40, 50])
view = original[1:4]
view[0] = 999
print(f"Original array: {original}")

This example further illustrates the relationship between the view and the base array. Modifying the view impacts the original array because they share the same memory.

Example 4: Checking if an Array is a View

import numpy as np

# Function to check if an array is a view
def is_view(arr):
    return arr.base is not None

# Check on a created view
view = original[1:4]
print(f"Is view a view? {is_view(view)}")

Using the ndarray.base attribute, one can easily check if an array is a view. This function demonstrates a practical application of ndarray.base for array analysis in complex applications.

Advanced Examples

Example 5: Creating a View Using Fancy Indexing

import numpy as np

# Create an array
array1 = np.array([10, 20, 30, 40, 50])

# Create a view using fancy indexing
view1 = array1[[1, 3]]
print(f"Base of view1: {view1.base}")

Fancy indexing creates a copy rather than a view. Therefore, in this example, view1‘s base attribute is None, indicating that view1 owns its own memory.

Example 6: Contiguity and ndarray.base

import numpy as np

# Create a 2D array
arr2D = np.array([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]])

# Create a non-contiguous view
non_contig_view = arr2D[:, 1:3]
print(f"Contiguity of original: {arr2D.flags['C_CONTIGUOUS']}")
print(f"Contiguity of view: {non_contig_view.flags['C_CONTIGUOUS']}")
print(f"Base of non-contiguous view: {non_contig_view.base}")

This advanced example illustrates how slicing a 2D array can lead to a non-contiguous view but still retains the same base. The differing memory layout is indicated by the C_CONTIGUOUS flags, yet they share the same underlying data.


Throughout this tutorial, we’ve explored the ndarray.base attribute through various examples. Understanding this attribute helps in recognizing the relationships between NumPy arrays and efficiently managing memory. Analyzing whether an array is a view or a base array facilitates better handling of data processing tasks.