NumPy PerformanceWarning: your operation is slow, consider using numpy array

Updated: January 23, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment

The Problem

NumPy is a foundational package for numerical computing in Python, but sometimes when performing operations using NumPy, you might encounter a PerformanceWarning. This warning suggests that a particular operation is slower than expected, guiding you to consider using numpy arrays to optimize the computations.

Solutions to NumPy PerformanceWarning

There can be multiple reasons for this warning, including the use of non-NumPy types like lists, operating over non-contiguous memory, or not leveraging optimized NumPy functions. Let’s explore several solutions to resolve this performance issue.

1. Ensure Use of NumPy Arrays

A common reason for the performance warning is the use of Python lists or other non-NumPy types within NumPy operations. NumPy is optimized for operations on its own array type, and using lists can cause a significant slowdown. Converting lists or other sequences to NumPy arrays is usually the first step towards mitigation.

List of Steps:

  1. Identify the non-NumPy data structure within the operation.
  2. Convert it to a NumPy array using the np.array() function.
  3. Rerun the operation to check if the performance has improved.

Code Example:

import numpy as np

# Initial approach with a Python list
my_list = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
result = np.sum(my_list)

# Improved approach with a NumPy array
my_array = np.array(my_list)
result = np.sum(my_array)

Notes: Using NumPy arrays ensures that you are benefiting from all the performance optimizations available within NumPy’s ufunc system. However, if the data is inherently structured like lists within a list with varying sizes, NumPy might not be the optimal choice, as it requires uniform sizes for its multi-dimensional arrays.

2. Utilize Appropriate NumPy Functions

Ensuring that you use in-built NumPy functions, which are highly optimized, can also eliminate performance issues. Functions like np.sum() or np.mean() are better than Python’s built-in methods or using a loop to calculate these values.

List of Steps:

  1. Review the code to ensure native Python functions are not being used in place of NumPy functions.
  2. Replace any native Python functions with their NumPy equivalents.
  3. Re-execute the operation to test for performance improvements.

Code Example:

import numpy as np

# Using python's sum method - can result in PerformanceWarning
result_slow = sum(numpy_array)

# Replacing with NumPy's sum function for better performance
result_fast = np.sum(numpy_array)

Notes: Native Python functions and loops are usually much slower when processing large datasets. Replacing them with NumPy’s built-in operations can dramatically speed up performance, take advantage of vectorized operations, and reduce the likelihood of a PerformanceWarning.

3. Work with Contiguous Memory

NumPy is faster with arrays that are stored contiguously in memory. If you have an operation that uses ‘slices’ of arrays or any processing that disrupts the continuity of the memory storage, this can lead to a PerformanceWarning. Checking the data’s memory layout and ensuring it is contiguous can help improve speed.

List of Steps:

  1. Use the flags attribute to check if an array is C-contiguous (C_CONTIGUOUS) in memory.
  2. If the array is non-contiguous, use the np.ascontiguousarray() method to convert it.
  3. Proceed with the operation to evaluate the performance difference.

Code Example:

import numpy as np

# Example of a non-contiguous slice of an array
non_contig_view = numpy_array[::2]
result_slow = np.sum(non_contig_view)

# Converting to contiguous array
contig_array = np.ascontiguousarray(non_contig_view)
result_fast = np.sum(contig_array)

Notes: While creating a contiguous version of the array may come with an overhead of copying data, the subsequent operations usually compensate for this initial cost through faster processing speeds. However, for operations where the performance improvement from contiguity is minimal, this copy operation may just introduce unnecessary memory usage.