NumPy RecursionError: maximum recursion depth exceeded

Updated: January 23, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment

The Problem

While working with NumPy in Python, you might encounter the RecursionError, indicating that the maximum recursion depth has been exceeded. This error often occurs when a recursive function calls itself too many times without an appropriate base case. In this article, we will explore some common reasons for encountering this error while using NumPy and provide detailed methods to resolve it.

Common Causes for RecursionError

  • Excessive recursive function calls without an adequate stopping condition.
  • Implicit recursion through NumPy functions or operations that may not be immediately apparent.
  • Default recursion limit in Python is too low for the given recursive operation.

Solutions to Fix the Error

Solution 1: Increase Recursion Limit

Python has a default recursion limit, which might not suffice for certain operations. Increasing this limit may solve the RecursionError.

  1. Import the ‘sys’ module.
  2. Determine an appropriate new recursion limit value.
  3. Set the new recursion limit using ‘sys.setrecursionlimit()’.


import sys

# View the current recursion limit
current_limit = sys.getrecursionlimit()
print('Current recursion limit:', current_limit)

# Increase the recursion limit
new_limit = 2000  # Example value

# Your recursive NumPy code goes here

Note: Use this solution with caution, as increasing the recursion limit may lead to stack overflow if not managed properly.

Solution 2: Optimize Recursion Logic

Revise your recursion logic to ensure there’s a solid base case, and the recursion depth is limited.

  1. Identify the recursive function causing the issue.
  2. Analyze the base case to make sure it’s properly stopping the recursion.
  3. Optimize the recursion to reduce the number of recursive calls if possible.


import numpy as np

# Defining a properly structured recursive function
def recursive_function(parameters):
    # Base case check
    if stopping_condition:
        return some_value
        # Reduced recursive call
        return recursive_function(modified_parameters)

# Calling the optimized function
call_result = recursive_function(initial_parameters)

Note: Improving recursion logic enhances the maintainability and performance of your code.

Solution 3: Convert to Iterative Approach

Recursion can often be replaced with an iterative approach, thereby avoiding the RecursionError entirely.

  1. Analyze the recursive algorithm and identify how it can be expressed iteratively.
  2. Implement the iterative logic, possibly using loops.
  3. Replace the existing recursion with the new iterative logic.


import numpy as np

# Example of converting a recursive approach to an iterative one
def iterative_function(parameters):
    result = initial_result
    while not_stopping_condition:
        result = modify_result(result, parameters)
        parameters = update_parameters(parameters)
    return result

# Using the iterative function
call_result = iterative_function(initial_parameters)

Note: Iterative solutions are generally safer in terms of avoiding stack overflows but might require rethinking the algorithm design.


Encountering a ‘RecursionError: maximum recursion depth exceeded’ in NumPy or Python can be a frustrating experience. However, resolving this error is usually possible through one of the outlined solutions. Increasing the recursion limit can provide a quick fix, but optimizing recursion or converting to an iterative approach will lead to more robust and maintainable code in the long term.