NumPy RuntimeError: Fails to pass a sanity check

Updated: January 22, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment

Understanding the Problem

When working with NumPy, a critical library for numerical computing in Python, users may sometimes encounter a RuntimeError: Fails to pass a sanity check. This troublesome error typically stems from a mismatch between NumPy and other library versions, and fortunately, a range of solutions exist to resolve it.

Common Causes

  • Mismatched versions between NumPy and supporting libraries.
  • Outdated sub-dependencies used by NumPy.
  • System settings that are incompatible with the current library setups.


Solution #1 – Update NumPy to Latest Version

This is a straightforward solution that involves updating the NumPy library to its latest version to ensure compatibility with other libraries.

Implementation steps:

  1. Open a terminal or command prompt.
  2. Deactivate any active virtual environments to avoid conflicts.
  3. Run the command pip install --upgrade numpy to update NumPy.

After executing this command:

$ pip install --upgrade numpy

You will see some output similar to this:

Requirement already up-to-date: numpy in ./env/lib/python3.8/site-packages (1.20.3)

Notes: Upgrading NumPy may solve the immediate issue, but it could lead to compatibility issues with other packages that rely on a specific version of NumPy. It is typically a good first step to try as it requires minimal effort.

Solution #2 – Ensure Compatible Dependencies

If updating NumPy does not fix the error, verifying and updating related dependencies might resolve the issue.

Implementation steps:

  1. Review library documentation to check for specific version requirements.
  2. Use pip list to show the current package versions installed.
  3. Update needed packages using pip install --upgrade package-name.


$ pip list
$ pip install --upgrade scipy


Successfully installed scipy-1.6.3

Notes: This method is cautious and often preferred for maintaining a stable environment. However, it may be time-consuming due to the check-and-update process required for multiple dependencies.

Solution #3 – Downgrade NumPy

Sometimes, the solution is to downgrade NumPy to an earlier version that is confirmed to be compatible with the other libraries in use.

Implementation steps:

  1. Determine the version of NumPy required by your other libraries.
  2. Run pip install numpy==desired.version.number.


$ pip install numpy==1.18.5


Successfully installed numpy-1.18.5

Notes: Although this approach might immediately solve the issue, it poses the risk of missing out on important updates and features in newer versions of NumPy. Additionally, it can become a maintenance burden over time.


Experiencing a RuntimeError in NumPy can be frustrating, but with the proper steps, it is typically an issue that can be dealt with efficiently. When faced with this error, consider the above solutions based on your specific circumstances and the compatibility needs of your project.