NumPy RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in true_divide

Updated: February 21, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment

Understanding the Issue

The RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in true_divide error in NumPy usually occurs when an attempt is made to divide an array by another array or a number, and the denominator has zero or NaN (not a number) values. This leads to undefined or infinite values, which NumPy flags with a runtime warning. Identifying and resolving this issue is crucial for the accuracy and reliability of mathematical computations in Python using NumPy.

Solution 1: Avoid Division by Zero

One straightforward method to prevent this warning is to ensure that divisions by zero do not occur. This can be accomplished by explicitly checking and replacing zero values in the denominator array.

Steps to follow:

  1. Identify any zero values in the denominator array.
  2. Replace zero values with another small number.
  3. Perform the division operation.


import numpy as np

# Creating example arrays
denominator = np.array([0, 2, 0, 4])
numerator = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4])

# Avoiding division by zero by replacing 0 with 0.001
denominator[denominator == 0] = 0.001
result = numerator / denominator


Notes: While this approach avoids the warning, it can introduce inaccuracies if the replacement value is arbitrary and not justified by the context of the problem being solved.

Solution 2: Use NumPy Masked Arrays

NumPy provides a feature called masked arrays, which allow for operations to be performed while ignoring specified values. This can be particularly useful for circumventing divisions where the denominator might be zero.

Detailed steps:

  1. Create a masked array where the mask is applied to zero values in the denominator.
  2. Perform division using this masked array.
  3. Handle or replace the masked (undefined/infinite) values as needed.


import numpy as np

# Create arrays
denominator = np.array([0, 2, 0, 4])
numerator = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4])

# Creating masked array for denominator
masked_denom =, 0)
result = np.divide(numerator, masked_denom)

# Handling masked values after division
result =, fill_value=np.nan)


Notes: The use of masked arrays can preserve data integrity when handling potentially problematic divisions. However, deciding on how to deal with the masked values afterward requires careful consideration to ensure it fits the data’s context.


The RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in true_divide is a common yet manageable issue when working with NumPy arrays. This guide provided solutions ranging from preventing zero divisions to leveraging advanced NumPy features like masked arrays, enabling both novice and seasoned Python programmers to navigate this challenge efficiently. Always consider the context of your data and computations when choosing a solution to ensure optimal outcomes.