NumPy SystemError: Parent module ” not loaded, cannot perform relative import’

Updated: January 24, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment

The Problem

Encountering a SystemError in Python can be perplexing, especially when working with widely used libraries like NumPy. A common mistake that leads to the error message ‘SystemError: Parent module “” not loaded, cannot perform relative import’ arises when trying to execute a script that involves relative imports. In this guide, we will delve into potential reasons for this error and provide actionable solutions to effectively resolve the problem.


Check Your Current Working Directory

The SystemError is often a consequence of Python not being able to locate the module it attempts to import relatively. This can occur if the script is not within the module’s path. Checking the current working directory and adjusting it if necessary can resolve the issue.

  1. Import the ‘os’ module
  2. Use ‘os.getcwd()’ to check the current working directory
  3. If the current directory is not the intended one, use ‘os.chdir()’ to change it

Code example:

import os

# Check current working directory
print("Current directory:", os.getcwd())

# Change to the correct directory if needed
print("New directory:", os.getcwd())

Notes: Making sure your working directory is correctly set can prevent many module loading errors. However, hard coding paths can be problematic when your code is run in different environments. Environment variables or dynamic path discovery methods can be more resilient solutions.


The PYTHONPATH is an environment variable that tells Python where to find modules on disk. If Python cannot perform a relative import, it’s possible that the intended module is not in the PYTHONPATH.

  1. Locate the parent directory of your module
  2. Add the parent directory to your PYTHONPATH environment variable

To modify PYTHONPATH, you might use a command like ‘export PYTHONPATH=”$PYTHONPATH:/path/to/your/module”‘ on Unix-based systems or by adjusting the environment variables through ‘System Properties > Advanced > Environment Variables’ on Windows.

Notes: Modifying PYTHONPATH is more persistent than changing the working directory and is convenient for modules used often. However, it must be done carefully to avoid creating conflicts with other Python programs that might rely on different versions of the same modules.

Refactor Relative Imports

If a script not part of a package is causing the SystemError due to relative imports, refactoring these imports to absolute imports can circumvent the error.

  1. Identify the relative imports causing the error
  2. Replace each with the appropriate absolute import

Code example:

# Before: relative import
from .module import some_function

# After: absolute import
from mypackage.module import some_function

Notes: This method does not require any environment changes and can make your code more readable and deployable. Nonetheless, it assumes that the package is installed in the Python environment’s site-packages directory or is otherwise available in the PYTHONPATH.

Final Words

This guide provided a primer for troubleshooting the ‘SystemError: Parent module “” not loaded, cannot perform relative import’ error when using NumPy. Each proposed solution targets different reasons why this error may occur, and while a quick fix may resolve immediate issues, it’s essential to understand the underlying cause and adopt best practices for managing imports in Python applications.