NumPy TypeError: return arrays must be of ArrayType

Updated: February 28, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment

Understanding the Problem

When working with NumPy, a popular Python library for numerical computations, users may encounter the ‘TypeError: return arrays must be of ArrayType‘. This error typically indicates an issue with how arrays are being handled or created within the NumPy framework. Understanding the root causes and knowing how to resolve this error is essential for anyone working in data science, machine learning, or any field that relies on numerical computation in Python. In this tutorial, we will explore some common reasons for this error and provide solutions with clear examples.

Common Reasons for the Error

Several situations can lead to this error, including:

  • Attempting to return an object that is not a NumPy array from a NumPy function.
  • Modifying a NumPy array in-place in a manner that changes its type inadvertently.
  • Using incompatible data types within NumPy arrays.

Solution 1: Ensure Proper Array Conversion

One of the simplest ways to resolve this error is by making sure that all objects being returned or operated on within a NumPy context are indeed NumPy arrays. This often involves converting lists or other sequence types to NumPy arrays explicitly.

  1. Identify the object causing the error.
  2. Use the numpy.array function to convert the object into a NumPy array.
  3. Verify that the operation leading to the error now executes successfully.

Code example:

import numpy as np

# Example of incorrect object (list)
incorrect_data = [1, 2, 3]

# Converting to a NumPy array
fixed_data = np.array(incorrect_data)



[1 2 3]

Notes: This approach is simple and effective for objects intended to be numerical arrays but requires that the data being converted is compatible with NumPy’s array structure.

Solution 2: Avoid Incompatible Type Operations

Sometimes, the error arises not from the data type of the object directly, but from operations that lead to an incompatible type being generated. Reviewing and modifying operations to ensure compatibility across all steps can prevent this error.

  1. Review the code to identify potentially incompatible operations.
  2. Adjust the operations to ensure that all intermediate and final objects remain as NumPy arrays.
  3. Test the adjusted code to ensure the error is resolved.

This solution is more about code review and adjustment. Operations such as concatenation, type casting, and mathematical operations that might not result in an array of a uniform type should be carefully managed.

Notes: This solution requires a good understanding of how different operations affect data types within NumPy. It helps preserve data integrity but might require significant code revision.

Solution 3: Use NumPy Functions for Array Operations

Leveraging NumPy’s built-in functions for array creation and manipulation can help avoid type errors, as these functions are designed to maintain the correct array type.

  1. Identify parts of the code where native Python operations are used on NumPy arrays.
  2. Replace these with the appropriate NumPy functions.
  3. Validate the changes by re-running the code.

Code example:

import numpy as np
# Incorrect use of Python's native addition on NumPy arrays
a = np.array([1, 2, 3])
b = [4, 5, 6]
incorrect_sum = a + b

# Corrected with NumPy's concatenate
fixed_sum = np.concatenate((a, np.array(b)))


[1 2 3 4 5 6]

Notes: This solution promotes best practices in using NumPy and ensures compatibility, though it may require familiarizing oneself with NumPy’s extensive function library.