NumPy – Understanding char.str_len() function (4 examples)

Updated: February 29, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


NumPy, a fundamental package for scientific computing in Python, offers a comprehensive mathematical library for operations on arrays of any dimensionality. One of its lesser-known but incredibly useful features is the char module, specifically the char.str_len() function. This function computes the length of each element in a NumPy array of strings, a task commonly needed in data preprocessing and manipulation in machine learning and data analysis pipelines. In this tutorial, we will demystify the char.str_len() function with progressive examples ranging from basic to advanced usages. By the end, you will be well-equipped to apply this function in various scenarios effectively.

Understanding char.str_len()

The char.str_len() function is part of NumPy’s character string operations module. It is designed to operate on arrays of strings, returning an array of the same shape that contains the lengths of each string within it. Syntax:


Where arr is an array-like object containing strings. The function iterates over each string in the array and calculates its length, similar to Python’s native len() function but on an array scale.

Example 1: Basic Usage

To start, let’s look at a basic example of using the char.str_len() function to find the length of strings in a simple array.

import numpy as np

# Creating a simple array of strings
arr = np.array(['hello', 'world', 'numpy', 'char.str_len'])

# Using char.str_len() to find the length of each string
lengths = np.char.str_len(arr)



[5, 5, 5, 12]

This output shows that our array consisted of two 5-character strings, another 5-character string, and one 12-character string. A simple yet illustrative example of how char.str_len() operates.

Example 2: Working with Multidimensional Arrays

The char.str_len() function is not limited to one-dimensional arrays. Let’s explore its behavior with a two-dimensional array.

import numpy as np

# Creating a two-dimensional array of strings
arr_2d = np.array([['apple', 'banana'], ['carrot', 'date']])

# Finding the string lengths
lengths_2d = np.char.str_len(arr_2d)



[[5, 6],
 [6, 4]]

This demonstrates that char.str_len() effectively traverses each element of a multidimensional array, returning an array of the same shape with each string’s length.

Example 3: Integrating with Other NumPy Operations

One of NumPy’s strengths is its ability to seamlessly integrate different operations. Suppose you’re interested in filtering elements based on their string length. Here, we couple char.str_len() with boolean indexing.

import numpy as np

# An array of strings
arr = np.array(['short', 'medium', 'longer', 'longest'])

# Calculate string lengths
lengths = np.char.str_len(arr)

# Filter elements longer than 5 characters
long_elements = arr[lengths > 5]



['medium' 'longer' 'longest']

This snippet illustrates the synergy between char.str_len() and NumPy’s indexing features, allowing for efficient data manipulation.

Example 4: Real-World Application – Data Cleaning

Let’s tackle a real-world scenario: cleaning a dataset of string entries to remove or flag unusually short or long entries. We will use char.str_len() to identify these entries.

import numpy as np

# Simulated dataset of entries
entries = np.array(['Name', 'Email Address', 'N', 'Some really long piece of text for testing'])

# Using char.str_len() for data cleaning
lengths = np.char.str_len(entries)

# Flagging entries that are too short or too long
flags = (lengths < 3) | (lengths > 20)

# Printing flagged entries for review


['N' 'Some really long piece of text for testing']

This example demonstrates how char.str_len() can serve as a powerful tool for preliminary data cleaning steps, identifying outliers in textual data effectively.


The char.str_len() function in NumPy is a simple yet powerful utility for working with arrays of strings. Throughout this tutorial, we’ve explored its capabilities from basic to more complex examples, shedding light on its potential uses in data analysis and manipulation. Understanding and applying this function can significantly streamline the process of dealing with textual data in NumPy, making it an essential tool in your data science toolkit.