NumPy – Using char.encode() function (3 examples)

Updated: March 1, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


NumPy is a widely used library in Python, especially for arrays and mathematical operations. An interesting aspect of NumPy is its ability to work effortlessly with strings, thanks to its char module. The char.encode() function in particular stands out for its utility in encoding array elements as strings.

Understanding char.encode()

The char.encode() function in NumPy is designed to encode elements of an array using a specified encoding scheme. It operates element-wise over an array of strings, returning a new array where each string is encoded according to the given encoding rule.


numpy.char.encode(a, encoding='utf-8', errors='strict')


  • a: Input array.
  • encoding: The name of the encoding.
  • errors: Specifies how to handle errors.

Example 1: Basic Encoding

Let’s start with a basic example of encoding an array of strings from ASCII to UTF-8.

import numpy as np

arr = np.array(['hello', 'world'])
encoded_arr = np.char.encode(arr, encoding='utf-8')

This will output:

[b'hello' b'world']

Each element in the array has been encoded as bytes using UTF-8, noted by the b' prefix.

Example 2: Using Different Encodings

Not restricted to just UTF-8, let’s apply a different encoding format.

import numpy as np

arr = np.array(['αβγ', 'δεζ'])
encoded_arr = np.char.encode(arr, encoding='ascii', errors='ignore')

This will output:

[b'' b'']

In this example, because ASCII cannot represent the Greek letters, and we set errors='ignore', the output is empty. This demonstrates how the errors parameter influences the outcome.

Example 3: Handling Encoding Errors

Let’s take a closer look at how different error handling strategies can be applied when encoding fails.

import numpy as np

arr = np.array(['p\u00e9can', 'br\u00fbl\u00e9e'])
encoded_arr = np.char.encode(arr, encoding='ascii', errors='replace')

This outputs:

[b'p?can' b'br?l?e']

Using errors='replace', non-ASCII characters are replaced with a question mark, illustrating a strategy for handling encoding errors without losing the entirety of the string data.

Advanced Usage: Custom Encodings and Error Strategies

While the examples provided so far have shown built-in encodings and error strategies, NumPy’s char.encode() function also allows for the use of custom encodings and more nuanced error handling mechanisms. By delving into Python’s codecs module, users can define and utilize custom encodings to fit specific data processing needs.

Let’s create a simple example where we encode a NumPy array of strings using a standard encoding and a custom error handling strategy. Although we won’t create a custom encoding (as this involves registering a new encoding with Python’s codecs module, which is complex and beyond a simple example), we will implement a custom error handling strategy for demonstration purposes.

Step 1: Define a Custom Error Handler

First, we register a custom error handler with Python’s codecs module. This handler will be invoked whenever an encoding error occurs.

import codecs
import numpy as np

# Define a custom error handler
def custom_error_handler(error):
    print(f"Encoding error encountered: {error}")
    # Replace the problematic character with '?'
    return ("?", error.start + 1)

# Register the custom error handler for 'strict' errors
codecs.register_error("custom_handler", custom_error_handler)

Step 2: Use numpy.char.encode() with the Custom Error Handler

Now, we use numpy.char.encode() to encode an array of strings, specifying our custom error handler for handling encoding errors.

# Create a NumPy array of strings
data = np.array(["hello", "world", "NumPy", "¡Hola!"])

# Attempt to encode the array using ASCII encoding, using our custom error handler
encoded_data = np.char.encode(data, encoding="ascii", errors="custom_handler")


In this example, the string “¡Hola!” contains a character (“¡”) that cannot be encoded in ASCII. Normally, attempting to encode this string in ASCII would raise a UnicodeEncodeError. However, by specifying our custom error handler "custom_handler", we instead replace the problematic character with “?” and continue the encoding process.

This example shows how to handle encoding errors gracefully within a NumPy array of strings, but keep in mind that creating and using custom encodings involves interacting more directly with Python’s codecs module and is a more advanced topic.


The char.encode() function in NumPy is a powerful tool for encoding string data within an array structure, accommodating a range of encoding schemes and error handling strategies. Its utilization facilitates various data processing tasks, particularly in the realms of text preprocessing and data normalization, offering flexibility and efficiency to Python programmers.