NumPy: Using char.expandtabs() function (4 examples)

Updated: March 1, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


NumPy, a cornerstone library for numerical computing in Python, extends its utility beyond mere numerical operations. Among its lesser-known features is the char module, which includes the expandtabs() function. This function, akin to its string method counterpart in Python, is designed to replace tabs in a string with spaces. This feature can be extraordinarily useful when working with text data requiring uniform spacing. In this tutorial, we will explore the char.expandtabs() function through four progressively detailed examples.

What is expandtabs() Used for?

Before we dive into examples, let’s establish what expandtabs() does. The function’s purpose is to replace tabs (\t) in a string or array of strings with spaces. The amount of space can be controlled through an argument which specifies the tab size. The default tab size is 8 spaces.


numpy.char.expandtabs(a, tabsize=8)


  • a: array_like of str or unicode. Input array of strings to process.
  • tabsize: int, optional. The number of spaces to replace each tab character. The default is 8, following the standard convention in many environments.


  • out: ndarray. An array with the same shape as a, with tab characters expanded to spaces.

Example 1: Basic Usage

Let’s start with the basics. The simplest use case is to replace all tabs in a single string without changing the default tab size.

import numpy as np

# Sample string with tabs
text = 'Hello\tWorld!'

# Using expandtabs()
result = np.char.expandtabs(text)



Hello    World!

In this example, the single tab between ‘Hello’ and ‘World!’ is replaced with 8 spaces, as per the default behavior.

Example 2: Specifying Tab Size

Next, we’ll see how to specify a different tab size.

import numpy as np

text = 'Python\tis\tawesome!'
result = np.char.expandtabs(text, tabsize=4)



Python  is  awesome!

By specifying a tabsize of 4, each tab is now replaced by 4 spaces, modifying the string’s visual alignment.

Example 3: Arrays of Strings

NumPy’s char.expandtabs() function shows its strength when working with arrays of strings.

import numpy as np

# Creating an array of strings with tabs
texts = np.array(['First\tLine', 'Second\tLine', 'Third	Line'])

# Using expandtabs() on the array, with tabsize=2
results = np.char.expandtabs(texts, tabsize=2)



['First  Line' 'Second  Line' 'Third  Line']

Here, we applied expandtabs() to an entire array of strings, uniformly replacing all tabs with two spaces.

Example 4: Real-World Application

Finally, let’s consider a practical example where we align columns of data in a more readable format using expandtabs().

import numpy as np

# Assuming we have data like below
headers = 'Name\tAge\tCity'
data = ['John Doe\t32\tNew York', 'Jane Doe\t28\tLos Angeles']

# Convert to NumPy array
array_data = np.array(data)

# Expand tabs with a size that makes columns align nicely
pretty_data = np.char.expandtabs(array_data, tabsize=12)

print(np.char.expandtabs(headers, tabsize=12))
print('-' * 40)
for row in pretty_data:


Name        Age         City
John Doe    32          New York
Jane Doe    28          Los Angeles

In this real-world scenario, the expandtabs() function helps create a more visually appealing and easier-to-read format for tabulated data. Such formatting can be incredibly useful for data analysis and presentation.


The np.char.expandtabs() function in NumPy offers a simple yet effective solution for standardizing the spaces within text data. From adjusting tab sizes to handling arrays of text, it simplifies pre-processing text for various applications, thereby demonstrating NumPy’s versatility beyond mathematical computations.