NumPy – Using char.rindex() and char.rfind() functions (4 examples)

Updated: February 29, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


In the realm of data manipulation and scientific computing, NumPy stands as an essential library within the Python ecosystem. It offers a plethora of functionalities, including those for string operations, which might not be the first thing that comes to mind when thinking of NumPy. This tutorial delves into two such specialized string functions: char.rindex() and char.rfind(). Both functions are invaluable for locating substrings within arrays of strings, but they have their nuances and use cases. We’ll explore these functions through four progressively complex examples.

Understanding char.rindex() and char.rfind()

Before diving into examples, let’s clarify what these functions do:

  • char.rfind(): Searches for the highest index of the substring within the string (from right to left). If the substring is not found, the function returns -1. Unlike find(), rfind() starts from the end of the string.
  • char.rindex(): Similar to rfind(), but throws a ValueError if the substring is not found, making it useful when you expect the substring to always be present and want an exception otherwise.

Example #1 – Basic Use Case

We start with a basic example, demonstrating how to use these functions in a NumPy array of strings to locate a specific character or substring.

import numpy as np

# Sample array of strings
arr = np.array(['numpy', 'char', 'rindex', 'find'])

# Using rfind to locate a character
rfind_results = np.char.rfind(arr, 'a')
print('rfind results:', rfind_results)

This will output:

rfind results: [1, 2, -1, 1]

This indicates the highest index where ‘a’ is found in each element or -1 if not found. Moving onto char.rindex():

    rindex_results = np.char.rindex(arr, 'a')
    print('rindex results:', rindex_results)
except ValueError as e:
    print('Error:', e)

In this case, a ValueError is thrown because ‘a’ is not found in ‘rindex’. This demonstrates the key difference in error handling between the two functions.

Example #2 – Case-Sensitivity

Both functions are case-sensitive. Here’s how you can handle cases where you might want to perform a case-insensitive search.

import numpy as np

arr = np.array(['NumPy', 'CHAR', 'Rindex', 'Find'])

# Case-insensitive rfind
rfind_results = np.char.rfind(np.char.lower(arr), 'n')
print('Case-insensitive rfind results:', rfind_results)


Case-insensitive rfind results: [4, -1, 5, -1]

By converting the array to lowercase, we can effectively perform a case-insensitive search with rfind.

Example #3 – Searching for Substrings

Let’s explore how these functions can be used to find substrings within our array elements.

import numpy as np

arr = np.array(['analysis', 'numpy', 'character', 'finder'])

# Searching for a substring with rfind
rfind_results = np.char.rfind(arr, 'ly')
print('Substring rfind results:', rfind_results)


Substring rfind results: [6, -1, 7, -1]

This reveals the highest index of the substring ‘ly’ in each element, showcasing how rfind can pinpoint the location of substrings, not just individual characters.

Example #4 – Advanced Use: Applying Functions Conditionally

By combining these string functions with other NumPy features, we can perform more complex operations, such as conditionally applying char.rfind() or char.rindex() based on another condition within our data.

import numpy as np

arr = np.array(['Data analysis', 'NumPy', 'Character manipulation', 'Finder'])
subset = np.array(['analysis', 'py', '', 'er'])

results = np.where(subset != '', np.char.rfind(arr, subset), -2)
print("Conditional rfind results:", results)


Conditional rfind results: [5, 3, -2, 5]

This approach leverages np.where to apply rfind only to elements with a non-empty substring in subset, showcasing the flexibility and potential for complex data manipulation with NumPy.


The char.rindex() and char.rfind() functions in NumPy provide powerful tools for string manipulation within arrays. While their differences lie mostly in how they handle the absence of the substring, both offer valuable functionalities for data analysis tasks. Understanding these nuances enables more effective data processing and manipulation, showcasing the richness of NumPy’s capabilities beyond numerical computing.