NumPy: Using ‘NDArray’ type to annotate arrays

Updated: February 20, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Python has gained immense popularity in scientific computing, with NumPy being at the forefront for array manipulation. With the introduction of type hints in Python 3.5, developers have been eager to apply static type checking to NumPy arrays for improved code accuracy and readability. This tutorial introduces the NDArray type from NumPy that allows for precise type annotations of arrays, enhancing code documentation and helping static type checkers.

Overview of Using Type Hints with NumPy

Type hints in Python allow developers to explicitly state the expected data type of variables, increasing code clarity and aiding in bug prevention. NumPy has evolved to support type annotations through the NDArray type with the help of the numpy.typing module. This feature is invaluable for scientific computing where data type correctness is crucial.

Assuming you have basic knowledge of both Python and NumPy, this tutorial will cover how to effectively use the NDArray type for annotating NumPy arrays. We will start with simple annotations and progressively delve into more complex use cases, including multi-dimensional arrays and arrays with specific data types.

Setting Up

Before we begin, ensure you have NumPy installed:

pip install numpy

Let’s start by importing the necessary components:

from typing import Any, Union
from numpy import ndarray
from numpy.typing import NDArray, DTypeLike

Basic NDArray Type Annotation

First, let’s annotate a simple one-dimensional array:

from numpy import array
a: NDArray = array([1, 2, 3])


[1 2 3]

This example shows the basic use of NDArray to annotate a one-dimensional array. The explicit mention of NDArray as the type suggests that a is expected to be a NumPy array, enhancing code readability and aiding in static analysis.

Annotating Multidimensional Arrays

When dealing with multidimensional arrays, the syntax becomes a bit more complex to convey the shape and data type accurately. Here’s how you can annotate a two-dimensional array:

from numpy import ones
b: NDArray[Any, DTypeLike] = ones((2, 3))


[[1. 1. 1.]
 [1. 1. 1.]]

In the above example, the second parameter of NDArray represents the data type. The use of Any signifies that the array can be of any shape, and DTypeLike indicates any data type allowed by NumPy. This syntax is versatile and essential for complex scientific computations where the exact array dimensions may not always be known in advance.

Specifying Array Dimensions and Data Type

To annotate more precisely, you can specify the dimensions and data type of the array:

from numpy import zeros
from numpy.typing import Float64
c: NDArray[(2, 3), Float64] = zeros((2, 3))


[[0. 0. 0.]
 [0. 0. 0.]]

This notation is highly specific, indicating a two-dimensional array with dimensions 2×3, strictly containing 64-bit floating-point numbers. Such annotations are crucial for applications requiring high precision and specificity in array operations.

Combining with Function Annotations

Type annotations with NDArray become particularly powerful when combined with function annotations. They allow you to specify the input and return types of functions involving NumPy arrays clearly. Here’s an example:

def array_sum(a: NDArray, b: NDArray) -> NDArray:
    return a + b

d: NDArray = array([1, 2, 3])
e: NDArray = array([4, 5, 6])
result: NDArray = array_sum(d, e)


[5 7 9]

This function accepts two NumPy arrays, adds them, and returns the result, all while ensuring type safety through NDArray annotations. Such explicit typing is vital in complex systems to avoid type-related bugs.

Advanced Topics

As you become more familiar with NDArray annotations, you might explore more complex scenarios like annotating arrays of custom object types or using generic types for more precise type constraints.

This example will demonstrate creating a custom class MyCustomClass, instantiating several objects, and then storing these objects in a NumPy array. We’ll use type annotations to specify the array’s content type explicitly.

from typing import Any
import numpy as np
from numpy.typing import NDArray

class MyCustomClass:
    def __init__(self, value: Any):
        self.value = value

    def __repr__(self):
        return f"MyCustomClass({self.value})"

# Annotate the array to hold objects of MyCustomClass
custom_objects: NDArray[MyCustomClass] = np.array([
    MyCustomClass([3, 4, 5])


In this example:

  • We define a MyCustomClass with a single attribute value, which can be of any type (Any).
  • We create an instance of NDArray from numpy.typing annotated to hold elements of type MyCustomClass.
  • We initialize the NDArray with several instances of MyCustomClass, demonstrating how to use custom objects within a NumPy array and how to annotate such an array for type checking.

This approach allows for more precise type constraints in complex scenarios, improving code clarity and reducing the likelihood of runtime errors due to incorrect type usage. While Python’s dynamic typing system provides a lot of flexibility, using type annotations with NumPy arrays can significantly enhance the development experience, especially in large projects or those requiring high reliability.


By utilizing the NDArray type for array annotations, developers can significantly enhance code quality and maintainability in NumPy-based applications. This tutorial presented the basics and advanced concepts of NDArray annotations, paving the way for more robust type checking and clearer code in the realm of scientific computing with Python.