NumPy – Using np.sin() and np.arcsin() functions (4 examples)

Updated: February 26, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


NumPy, a fundamental package for scientific computing with Python, provides a variety of mathematical functions to work with arrays. Among its vast library, np.sin() and np.arcsin() are two widely used trigonometric functions for sine and its inverse, respectively. This tutorial aims to explore these functions with four progressively advanced examples, helping you gain a comprehensive understanding of their usage and applications in different scenarios.

Syntaxes of np.sin() and np.arcsin()

np.sin() computes the sine of each element in an input array, with the angles given in radians. The syntax is quite straightforward:

numpy.sin(x, /, out=None, *, where=True, casting='same_kind', order='K', dtype=None, subok=True, signature, extobj)

np.arcsin(), on the other hand, computes the inverse sine (or arcsine) of each element in an input array, returning results in radians. The syntax for np.arcsin() is similar to np.sin():

numpy.arcsin(x, /, out=None, *, where=True, casting='same_kind', order='K', dtype=None, subok=True, signature, extobj)

Example 1: Basic Sine and Arcsine Functions

Starting with the basics, let’s calculate the sine and the arcsine of an array of angles. Since np.sin() and np.arcsin() work with radians, we’ll first create an array of angles in degrees and then convert these to radians.

import numpy as np

# Array of angles in degrees
degrees = np.array([0, 30, 45, 60, 90])
# Convert degrees to radians
radians = np.deg2rad(degrees)

# Compute sine values
sine_values = np.sin(radians)

# Compute arcsine values, convert the result back to degrees
arcsine_values = np.rad2deg(np.arcsin(sine_values))

The output should reflect the sine values and their corresponding arcsine (in degrees), clearly demonstrating the trigonometric identities:

[0.         0.5        0.70710678 0.8660254  1.        ]
[ 0. 30. 45. 60. 90.]

Example 2: Working with Complex Numbers

NumPy’s trigonometric functions can also handle complex numbers. This example demonstrates how to calculate sine and arcsine for an array of complex numbers.

import numpy as np

# Array of complex numbers
complex_numbers = np.array([0+1j, -1-1j, 1+1j, -1+0j])

# Compute sine values
sine_values_complex = np.sin(complex_numbers)

# Compute arcsine values
arcsine_values_complex = np.arcsin(sine_values_complex)

This will output the sine and arcsine values for the complex numbers, showcasing NumPy’s capability to work with complex data types:

[ 0.        +1.17520119j -1.29845758-0.63496391j  1.29845758+0.63496391j
 -0.84147098+0.j        ]
[ 0.+1.j -1.-1.j  1.+1.j -1.+0.j]

Example 3: Graphical Representation of Sine Function

A more advanced use case involves plotting the sine function to visually demonstrate its wave behavior. This requires Matplotlib, a popular plotting library for Python.

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Generating a series of angles
x = np.linspace(-2*np.pi, 2*np.pi, 1000)
# Sine values
y = np.sin(x)

plt.plot(x, y)
plt.title('Sine Wave')
plt.xlabel('Angle [radians]')

This code generates a smooth sine wave, demonstrating the periodic nature of the sine function across a range of angles.

Example 4: Solving Trigonometric Equations Using np.sin() and np.arcsin()

For a more complex and practical application, consider solving a basic trigonometric equation using these functions. By leveraging the inverse sine function (np.arcsin()), we can solve for the angle given a sine value.

import numpy as np

# Given sine value
sin_value = 0.5
# Solve for the angle in radians
angle = np.arcsin(sin_value)
# Convert the angle to degrees
angle_degrees = np.rad2deg(angle)
print(f'Angle: {angle_degrees} degrees')


Angle: 30.000000000000004 degrees

This approach can be particularly useful in physics and engineering applications, where solving for angles based on their sine values is a common task.


The np.sin() and np.arcsin() functions are powerful tools in NumPy’s arsenal for scientific computing, providing robust solutions for trigonometric calculations across real and complex numbers, as well as for graphical representations and solving equations. By mastering these functions, you’ll unlock a broad spectrum of analytical and graphical capabilities for your Python projects.