NumPy – Using ufunc.identity attribute (5 examples)

Updated: March 2, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment

Understanding NumPy’s ufunc.identity attribute can greatly enhance your ability to work with universal functions (ufuncs) efficiently. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the concept of the identity attribute in universal functions through five illustrative examples, ranging from basic to advanced applications. By the end of this tutorial, you’ll have a solid grasp of how to leverage the ufunc.identity attribute to simplify and optimize your NumPy operations.

Understanding ufunc.identity

Before diving into examples, let’s clarify what ufunc.identity means. In NumPy, a universal function (ufunc) is a function that operates on ndarrays in an element-by-element fashion. The identity attribute of a ufunc is a scalar value that satisfies a specific property when used with the given ufunc. For many ufuncs, particularly those representing mathematical operations, the identity element is the value that, when used in the operation, leaves other elements unchanged.

Example 1: Basic Usage of ufunc.identity

import numpy as np

# Example of adding elements with identity
data = np.array([1, 2, 3])
add_identity = np.add.identity

# Use the identity value in operation
result = np.add(data, add_identity)
print("Result with add identity:", result)

This basic example illustrates how using the identity value of the np.add ufunc (which is 0) does not change the array elements. The output clearly shows that the original array remains unchanged:

Result with add identity: [1, 2, 3]

Example 2: Identity with Reduction Operations

import numpy as np

# Using identity with np.multiply reduction
data = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4])
multiply_identity = np.multiply.identity

# Perform reduction operation
result = np.multiply.reduce(data, initial=multiply_identity)
print("Reduced result:", result)

In this example, we use the identity value of the np.multiply ufunc (which is 1) in a reduction operation. The objective is to compute the product of all elements, starting with the identity value. The output demonstrates the important role of the identity value in achieving accurate results:

Reduced result: 24

Example 3: Broadcasting with Identity

Broadcasting is a powerful feature in NumPy that allows operations on arrays of different shapes. Here, we’ll illustrate how the identity attribute can be leveraged during broadcasting:

import numpy as np

# Create a 2D array
matrix = np.array([[1, 2], [3, 4]])
# Identify the ufunc identity for addition
add_identity = np.add.identity

# Perform operation that involves broadcasting
result = matrix + add_identity
print("Broadcasting result:", result)

Despite adding the scalar identity value to a 2D array, the original matrix remains unchanged. This example underscores the utility of identity values in operations involving arrays of different dimensions.

Broadcasting result: [[1, 2], [3, 4]]

Example 4: Using Identity in Custom Ufuncs

NumPy allows the creation of custom universal functions through the use of the np.frompyfunc method. Understanding how to apply the identity attribute in these scenarios can be particularly useful:

import numpy as np

# Define a simple addition function
def add(x, y):
    return x + y
# Convert to a ufunc
add_ufunc = np.frompyfunc(add, 2, 1)
# Manually set an identity value
add_ufunc.identity = 0

# Test the custom ufunc with identity
data = np.array([1, 2, 3])
result = add_ufunc.reduce(data, initial=add_ufunc.identity)
print("Custom ufunc result:", result)

This more advanced example demonstrates not only how to create a custom ufunc but also how to assign and utilize an identity value effectively. This capability extends the versatility and functionality of NumPy operations.

Custom ufunc result: 6

Example 5: Advanced Operations with Identity

For our final example, we’ll delve into more complex scenarios that exemplify the profound impact of the ufunc.identity attribute on array manipulation and mathematical operations:

import numpy as np

# Advanced operation involving multiple ufuncs using identity
# Objective: Element-wise multiplication followed by addition
a = np.array([1, 2, 3])
b = np.array([4, 5, 6])

# Utilize identity values for both operations
multiply_identity = np.multiply.identity
add_identity = np.add.identity

# First perform element-wise multiplication, then addition
result = np.add(np.multiply(a, b, out=np.empty_like(a), where=(a!=multiply_identity)), add_identity)
print("Advanced operation result:", result)

This sophisticated example combines multiple ufuncs and their respective identity values in a single operation, showcasing the agility and power of NumPy’s array manipulation capabilities. The operation yields:

Advanced operation result: [ 4 10 18]


NumPy’s ufunc.identity attribute is a versatile tool that enhances the simplicity and efficiency of operations across arrays. Through these five examples, we’ve seen how identity values play a crucial role in different contexts, from basic arithmetic to more complex, custom ufuncs. Embracing this attribute in your NumPy workflows can lead to cleaner, more effective code.