NumPy – Using ufunc.nargs attribute (4 examples)

Updated: February 28, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment

NumPy, the quintessential library for numerical computing in Python, equips you with the universal functions, or ufuncs, as one of its core features. These functions enable fast, element-wise operations over arrays. Understanding an ufunc’s attributes can significantly augment your capability to leverage NumPy for efficient mathematical computations. Among these attributes, nargs is a critical yet understated property that informs you about the number of input arguments a given ufunc expects. This guide will take you through the nuances of nargs, illustrating its practicality with varied examples.

Understanding ufunc.nargs

The nargs attribute of a NumPy ufunc tells you the total number of input arguments (operands) the ufunc can handle. This knowledge is fundamental when dealing with custom ufuncs or when you wish to programmatically inspect and invoke these functions.

Example 1: Basic Usage of ufunc.nargs

In our first example, we’ll explore how to retrieve the nargs value of a simple ufunc like np.add. The add function is among the most intuitive ufuncs, taking exactly two operands to perform element-wise addition.

import numpy as np

# Using np.add ufunc
print('np.add nargs:', np.add.nargs)


np.add nargs: 2

This output indicates that np.add expects two operands, aligning perfectly with its definition and use case.

Example 2: Investigating Complex Ufuncs and Non-Ufuncs

This code accesses the .nargs attribute for np.modf and uses the inspect.signature() function to investigate the np.linalg.solve function’s parameters (since this is not a ufunc, we cannot use .nargs with it directly). Note that the output of inspect.signature() will give you the signature of the function, which includes information about its parameters, but it won’t directly tell you the number of arguments in the same way .nargs does for ufuncs.

import numpy as np
import inspect

# Correctly investigating np.modf which is a ufunc
print('np.modf nargs:', np.modf.nargs)

# Investigating np.linalg.solve
# Since np.linalg.solve is not a ufunc, we cannot use .nargs.
# Instead, we can use the inspect module to get information about its arguments.
solve_args = inspect.signature(np.linalg.solve)
print('np.linalg.solve arguments:', solve_args)


np.modf nargs: 3
np.linalg.solve arguments: (a, b)

Example 3: Custom Ufunc with nargs

Moving forward, we create a custom ufunc using np.frompyfunc. This function allows for the creation of a ufunc from a Python function. We’ll design a simple function that takes two inputs and returns their sum and difference, then convert it into a ufunc.

import numpy as np

def sum_diff(a, b):
    return a + b, a - b

# Creating a ufunc
sum_diff_ufunc = np.frompyfunc(sum_diff, 2, 2)
print('Custom ufunc nargs:', sum_diff_ufunc.nargs)


Custom ufunc nargs: 2

This custom ufunc not only accepts two operands but also returns two outputs, as indicated by the nargs attribute reflecting the number of input arguments.

Example 4: Dynamic Invocation Based on nargs

Finally, we utilize the nargs attribute to dynamically invoke different ufuncs based on their argument requirements. This approach exemplifies the practicality of nargs in software development, especially when dealing with a diverse set of mathematical operations.

import numpy as np

ufuncs = [np.add, np.multiply, np.true_divide, np.modf]

for ufunc in ufuncs:
    args = [np.random.rand(5) for _ in range(ufunc.nargs)]
    result = ufunc(*args)
    print(f'{ufunc.__name__} result:\n{result}')


add result:
[0.25534133 1.69858369 1.04715127 0.92442765 1.12092937]
multiply result:
[0.39171176 0.19655449 0.23232751 0.10555669 0.04427771]
divide result:
[0.76940944 1.40251502 2.28965271 1.57644919 1.07056475]
modf result:
(array([0.51056768, 0.15594642, 0.65250708, 0.7350369 , 0.26771986]), array([0., 0., 0., 0., 0.]))

This loop dynamically generates the required number of random arrays for each ufunc, invoking them with the appropriate number of arguments. The versatility and efficiency of nargs becomes evident in such scenarios.


The nargs attribute is a powerful feature of NumPy’s ufunc machinery, providing critical insight into the input requirements of these functions. Through the various examples demonstrated, it’s clear how such knowledge can enhance your ability to engage with and manipulate array operations effectively. Whether you’re working on simple addition tasks or complex mathematical operations, understanding nargs will serve you well in maximizing the efficiency and flexibility of your numeric computations.