NumPy ValueError: shape too large to be a matrix

Updated: March 1, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment

Understanding the Problem

Working with NumPy, you might occasionally encounter the error ‘ValueError: shape too large to be a matrix’. This error occurs when you attempt to create a matrix with a shape that exceeds the matrix dimensions limit in NumPy. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the underlying causes of this error and provide detailed solutions to overcome it.

Why the Error Occurs?

Before diving into the solutions, it’s important to understand why this error occurs. NumPy matrices are strictly 2-dimensional, with certain size limitations based on the system architecture and memory availability. Trying to create a matrix that exceeds these limitations triggers the error.

Solution 1: Use NumPy Arrays Instead

Replacing matrices with NumPy arrays, which can support larger dimensions and are more flexible.


  1. Identify the operation causing the error.
  2. Replace matrix creation with an array creation using numpy.array().
  3. Rewrite the operation if necessary to support arrays.

Code Example:

import numpy as np
matrix_data = [[1, 2], [3, 4]] # Failing operation
data_array = np.array(matrix_data) # Solution


[[1 2] [3 4]]

Notes: This solution is generally the most flexible and straightforward. Arrays do not have the dimensional limitations that matrices have, making them suitable for larger datasets.

Solution 2: Chunk Your Data

Dividing your data into smaller, manageable chunks to avoid exceeding NumPy’s limitations on matrix size.


  1. Divide the dataset into smaller parts.
  2. Create matrices or arrays for these smaller parts individually.
  3. Process each part separately and combine results if necessary.

Code Example:

import numpy as np
# Assuming large_data is your large dataset
chunk_size = 100 # Divide data into chunks of 100
data_chunks = [large_data[i:i+chunk_size] for i in range(0, len(large_data), chunk_size)]
for chunk in data_chunks:
    chunk_matrix = np.matrix(chunk) # This assumes the chunk does not exceed the limit
    # Process chunk_matrix as needed

Notes: This approach requires extra coding and management but allows processing of larger datasets by working around the limitation.

Solution 3: Increase System Memory

Sometimes, addressing the system’s memory limitations can help, but this is more of a workaround rather than a direct solution to the problem.


  1. Check system memory usage and requirements.
  2. Upgrade physical memory or allocate more virtual memory if possible.
  3. Retry the operation.

Notes: This solution might not directly address the root cause if the shape genuinely exceeds NumPy’s limitations, but can be helpful when working at the upper edge of memory capacity.

Understanding and addressing the ‘shape too large to be a matrix’ error can significantly improve your data manipulation within NumPy. By choosing the right solution based on your specific situation, you can continue working with large datasets without being hindered by technical limitations.