NumPy – What is ufuc.types attribute? (4 examples)

Updated: March 2, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment

NumPy, an essential library for numerical computing in Python, enhances array operations’ efficiency and capability. Among its plethora of features, universal functions or ufuncs stand out. Ufuncs are vectorized functions operating on ndarrays element-wise, leading to highly efficient computations. This guide delves into the ufunc.types attribute, illustrating its importance and application through varied examples.

Understanding the ufunc.types Attribute

The types attribute of a ufunc provides a list of type signatures supported by the ufunc. Each type signature specifies the input and output data types the ufunc can handle. Understanding these signatures is crucial for efficient, error-free code execution.

Basic Examples

Example 1: Exploring np.add Types

import numpy as np

# Explore types for np.add
add_types = np.add.types


['??->?', 'bb->b', 'BB->B', 'hh->h', 'HH->H', 'ii->i', 'II->I', 'll->l', 'LL->L', 'qq->q', 'QQ->Q', 'ee->e', 'ff->f', 'dd->d', 'gg->g', 'FF->F', 'DD->D', 'GG->G', 'Mm->M', 'mm->m', 'mM->M', 'OO->O']

This code displays the list of type signatures for the np.add ufunc, revealing how it accommodates different data types for addition.

Example 2: Type Signatures of np.multiply

import numpy as np

# Explore types for np.multiply
multiply_types = np.multiply.types


['??->?', 'bb->b', 'BB->B', 'hh->h', 'HH->H', 'ii->i', 'II->I', 'll->l', 'LL->L', 'qq->q', 'QQ->Q', 'ee->e', 'ff->f', 'dd->d', 'gg->g', 'FF->F', 'DD->D', 'GG->G', 'mq->m', 'qm->m', 'md->m', 'dm->m', 'OO->O']

Similar to np.add, examining np.multiply‘s type signatures provides insight into the function’s versatility across various data types.

Intermediate Examples

Example 3: Custom ufunc and Its Types

from numpy import frompyfunc

# Create a custom ufunc for cube
def cube(x):
    return x ** 3

# Convert to ufunc
ufunc_cube = frompyfunc(cube, 1, 1)

# Examine types



Creating a custom ufunc demonstrates the types attribute’s role in user-defined functions, displaying adaptability to Python’s dynamic typing.

Example 4: Filtering Specific Type Signatures

import numpy as np

# Function to filter types
def filter_types(ufunc, data_type):
    return [t for t in ufunc.types if t.startswith(data_type)]

# Filter np.multiply for floating-point types
filtered_types = filter_types(np.multiply, 'f')



This advanced usage showcases filtering type signatures to target specific data types, enhancing code precision and performance.


The ufunc.types attribute is a powerful tool in NumPy, giving insight into function versatility. By understanding and utilizing type signatures, developers can optimize data handling and computational efficiency across various applications.