NumPy – Working with char.decode() function (4 examples)

Updated: March 1, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


In this guide, we explore the char.decode() function within the powerful NumPy library. NumPy, widely known for its array manipulation capabilities, also contains a suite of tools for working with strings, or more specifically, byte strings. The char.decode() function is instrumental in converting byte strings into regular strings, a process that’s often necessary when dealing with data read from binary files or network resources. We’ll start by understanding the basics of the char.decode() function, and progressively delve into more complex uses through four illustrative examples.

Introduction to NumPy’s char.decode()

The np.char.decode() function is part of NumPy’s character string functions, which operate element-wise on arrays of strings. This function decodes each element in the input array using a specified encoding. Syntax:

numpy.char.decode(a, encoding='utf-8', errors='strict')

Here, a is the input array containing byte strings, encoding is the character encoding to use (default is UTF-8), and errors dictates how encoding errors should be handled (strict, ignore, or replace).

Example 1: Basic Decoding

Let’s start with the simplest case of decoding byte strings in an array. Assume we have an array of byte strings that we wish to decode to UTF-8.

import numpy as np

byte_strings = np.array([b'Hello', b'World', b'NumPy'])
print('Before decoding:', byte_strings)

# Decoding
decoded_strings = np.char.decode(byte_strings, 'utf-8')
print('After decoding:', decoded_strings)

This will output:

Before decoding: [b'Hello' b'World' b'NumPy'] 
After decoding: ['Hello' 'World' 'NumPy']

Already, we see the utility of char.decode() in transforming byte strings to more familiar string objects. This operation is essential when working with data that’s inherently binary in nature but needs to be interpreted or manipulated as text.

Example 2: Handling Decoding Errors

Next, let’s examine how to handle errors that might arise during decoding, such as attempting to decode byte strings that include bytes not valid in the specified encoding.

import numpy as np

byte_strings_with_errors = np.array([b'Hello', b'W\xf6rld', b'NumPy'])
# Using ignore to bypass errors
decoded_ignore_errors = np.char.decode(byte_strings_with_errors, 'utf-8', 'ignore')
print('Ignored errors:', decoded_ignore_errors)

This will output:

Ignored errors: ['Hello' 'Wrld' 'NumPy']

By setting the errors parameter to ignore, our call to char.decode() skips over any decoding errors, resulting in the omission of invalid bytes. Handling errors is a crucial aspect when working with real-world data, which might not always conform perfectly to expected formats.

Example 3: Decoding Arrays of Arbitrary Shapes

Thus far, we’ve focused on one-dimensional arrays. However, NumPy’s char.decode() function is capable of handling arrays of any shape. Let’s apply decoding to a two-dimensional array of byte strings.

import numpy as np

two_dim_byte_strings = np.array([[b'Python', b'NumPy'], [b'Data', b'Science']])

decoded_two_dim = np.char.decode(two_dim_byte_strings, 'utf-8')
print('Decoded two-dimensional array:', decoded_two_dim)

This will show:

Decoded two-dimensional array: [['Python' 'NumPy']
 ['Data' 'Science']]

Example 3 showcases the flexibility of char.decode() in working with complex, multi-dimensional data structures, further underscoring its utility in data preprocessing tasks.

Example 4: Decoding with Custom Encodings

Most examples utilize the default UTF-8 encoding, which is widespread today. However, different scenarios may require specific encodings. Let’s see how char.decode() handles a different encoding.

import numpy as np

latin_byte_strings = np.array([b'Bonjour', b'Monde', b'NumPy'])

# Decoding with ISO 8859-1
latin_decoded_strings = np.char.decode(latin_byte_strings, 'ISO-8859-1')
print('Decoded with custom encoding:', latin_decoded_strings)

That outputs:

Decoded with custom encoding: ['Bonjour' 'Monde' 'NumPy']

When dealing with international datasets or older formats, the ability to specify an encoding is invaluable. This adaptability allows for a broad range of applications, from analyzing historical documents to integrating multinational datasets.


The np.char.decode() function is a versatile tool for converting byte strings into character strings, accommodating various encodings and error-handling strategies. Through our examples, ranging from basic usage to handling arrays of arbitrary shapes and custom encodings, we’ve seen its importance in data processing. Whether dealing with binary data, international text, or simply requiring a different textual representation, char.decode() proves to be an essential asset in the NumPy toolkit.