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Pandas: Generating an Ordering Categorical Series

Last updated: February 21, 2024


Pandas, a Python library for data analysis and manipulation, offers a wide range of functionalities for dealing with various types of data. One valuable feature is its support for categorical data. Specifically, Pandas allows the creation of ordered categories, which is crucial when the data has an intrinsic order that should be considered during analysis. This tutorial aims to guide you through generating an ordered categorical series in Pandas, from basic to advanced techniques, including practical examples.

Understanding Categorical Data in Pandas

In Pandas, categorical data refers to variables that can take on a limited, and usually fixed number of possible values. Examples include days of the week, levels of satisfaction, and product categories. Categorical variables can be further distinguished into two types: ordinal and nominal. Ordinal data has a clear ordering, while nominal data does not. Pandas’ categorical dtype is perfect for handling such data efficiently and intuitively.

Basic Example: Creating a Categorical Series

Before delving into ordered categories, let’s start with creating a basic categorical series:

import pandas as pd

# Define a simple list of categories
categories = ['high', 'medium', 'low']

# Create a categorical series
data = pd.Series(['medium', 'high', 'high', 'low', 'medium'], dtype="category")



0    medium
1      high
2      high
3       low
4    medium
dtype: category
Categories (3, object): ['high', 'medium', 'low']

Here, we have created a simple series where each element is assigned to one of the predefined categories.

Creating an Ordered Categorical Series

To highlight the order inherent in certain categorical data, you can specify an ordering when you define your series. Let’s upgrade our previous example:

categories = ['high', 'medium', 'low']
cat_type = pd.CategoricalDtype(categories=categories, ordered=True)
data_ordered = pd.Series(['medium', 'high', 'high', 'low', 'medium'], dtype=cat_type)



0    medium
1      high
2      high
3       low
4    medium
dtype: category
Categories (3, object): ['high' < 'medium' < 'low']

Notice the ‘<‘ symbol indicating that ‘high’ is considered less than ‘medium’, which is less than ‘low’. This is crucial for sorting and logically comparing elements within the series.

Sorting and Comparing Ordered Categories

With our ordered categorical series, we can now perform sorting and comparisons that respect the inherent order of the data:


# Comparison
print(data_ordered[data_ordered > 'medium'])


3       low
0    medium
4    medium
1      high
2      high
dtype: category

3    low
dtype: category

These operations are sensible only because the series is ordered, highlighting the value of distinguishing between ordinal and nominal categorical data.

Advanced: Utilizing Ordered Categories in DataFrames

Pandas also allows the application of ordered categories within DataFrames. This can be incredibly useful for data analysis and manipulation at a higher level. Let’s explore this with a more complex example:

df = pd.DataFrame({
    'Product': ['Widget A', 'Widget B', 'Widget C'],
    'Quality': ['low', 'high', 'medium']

# Define the category type with order
cat_type = pd.CategoricalDtype(categories=['high', 'medium', 'low'], ordered=True)

# Assign the ordered category to the 'Quality' column
df['Quality'] = df['Quality'].astype(cat_type)



    Product Quality
1  Widget B    high
2  Widget C  medium
0  Widget A     low

Here, we see how assigning an ordered category to a DataFrame column allows for logical sorting based on the predefined order of the categories. This enriches our data analysis capabilities significantly.


Working with ordered categorical data in Pandas opens up a variety of possibilities for data analysis and manipulation. By understanding and utilizing the tools provided for managing categorical data, particularly with an inherent order, you can draw meaningful insights from your datasets more effectively. This tutorial demonstrated just a fraction of what’s possible, underlining the power and flexibility of Pandas for handling complex data types.

Next Article: Understanding SparseArray in Pandas (6 examples)

Previous Article: Pandas: How to create a categorical column in a DataFrame

Series: DateFrames in Pandas


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