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Pandas: How to save a DataFrame to a CSV file

Last updated: February 19, 2024


Saving a DataFrame to a CSV file is one of the most common tasks in data processing and analysis. Being able to export your DataFrame to a format that is easy to share, view, and understand is crucial in many aspects of data science and software development. This tutorial will guide you through the basics to more advanced methods of saving Pandas DataFrames to CSV files using Python’s Pandas library.

First, let’s ensure you have the Pandas library installed in your Python environment. If not, you can install it using pip:

pip install pandas

Now, let’s dive into the process.

Basic Example

The simplest way to save a DataFrame to a CSV file is using the to_csv method. Let’s create a simple DataFrame and save it:

import pandas as pd

data = {'Name': ['John', 'Anna', 'Peter', 'Linda'],
        'Age': [28, 34, 29, 32],
        'City': ['New York', 'Paris', 'Berlin', 'London']}
df = pd.DataFrame(data)

df.to_csv('basic_example.csv', index=False)

This will save a CSV called ‘basic_example.csv’ in your current working directory, without the index of the DataFrame.

Specifying Columns, Header, and Index

You can also specify which columns to export, whether to include the header, and whether to include the DataFrame index:

df.to_csv('specified_columns.csv', columns=['Name', 'City'], header=True, index=False)

This example will only save the ‘Name’ and ‘City’ columns to the CSV file, with the header at the top, and without the DataFrame index.

Handling Large DataFrames

When dealing with large DataFrames, it’s often necessary to save the data in chunks. This can be achieved using the chunksize parameter:

df_large = pd.concat([df]*10000) # Simulating a large DataFrame
df_large.to_csv('large_df.csv', index=False, chunksize=500)

This code example will save the large DataFrame in chunks of 500 rows each, making it more memory efficient.

Customizing Delimiters and Encoding

CSV files are known for their “comma-separated values” format, but you can customize the delimiter using the sep parameter. For instance, to save a file with tab-separated values:

df.to_csv('tab_separated.csv', sep='\t', index=False)

Additionally, you might need to specify the encoding of your file, especially when working with non-English characters:

df.to_csv('utf8_encoded.csv', encoding='utf-8', index=False)


Saving large CSV files can also benefit from compression. Pandas allows you to compress the CSV on the fly:

df.to_csv('compressed.csv', compression='gzip', index=False)

This code will save your DataFrame as a gzip-compressed CSV file, significantly reducing the file size, which is particularly useful for large DataFrames or when sharing files over a network.


Saving a DataFrame to a CSV file using Pandas is a flexible process that can accommodate basic to advanced exporting needs. Whether you’re dealing with small datasets or huge DataFrames, ensuring your data is easily accessible and manageable in CSV format is crucial. Remembering the variety of parameters provided by Pandas’ to_csv method allows for much-needed customization in different scenarios.

Next Article: Pandas: How to save a DataFrame to an Excel file

Previous Article: Pandas: Turn an SQLite table into a DataFrame

Series: DateFrames in Pandas


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