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Pandas KeyError: ‘column_name’ does not exist

Last updated: February 21, 2024

The Problem

Encountering a KeyError in Pandas is a common scenario when working with DataFrames, especially when trying to access or manipulate a column that does not exist by name. The full error message often looks like Pandas KeyError: 'column_name' does not exist, indicating an attempt to access a non-existent column. This tutorial aims to explore the reasons behind this error and provide comprehensive solutions to mitigate it.

Reasons for KeyError

  • Typographical errors in column name when attempting to access it.
  • Attempting to access a column that was never in the DataFrame.
  • Column name changes during data processing and was not updated accordingly in the code.

Solutions to Fix the KeyError

Solution 1: Verify Column Names

The most straightforward approach is to check the existing column names in your DataFrame. A discrepancy between your reference and the DataFrame’s actual columns is usually why a KeyError is thrown.

  1. Inspect the DataFrame’s columns by printing them.
  2. Update your code with the correct column name accordingly.


# Output might show the correct names, allowing you to update your reference.

Notes: This solution is basic but crucial. It helps identify typographical errors or changes in column names.

Solution 2: Use the get() Method

The get() method provides a safer way to access DataFrame columns. It avoids throwing a KeyError by returning None if the column doesn’t exist, offering an opportunity to handle the situation more gracefully than an outright failure.

  1. Use the get() method to access the column.
  2. Check if the result is None and handle accordingly.


column_data = df.get('column_name')
if column_data is None:
    print('Column does not exist')

Notes: The get() method provides a safer alternative for accessing columns, reducing the risk of unexpected crashes.

Solution 3: Rename Columns When Necessary

Sometimes, the KeyError arises because a column name was changed during data manipulation. Renaming columns can prevent this error by ensuring the code and DataFrame always stay in sync.

  1. Identify and verify the new name for the column.
  2. Use the rename() method to update the column names in the DataFrame.


df.rename(columns={'old_name': 'new_name'}, inplace=True)
# Verify by printing the updated column names

Notes: This solution highlights the importance of keeping code and data aligned, especially after data manipulation that involves renaming columns.


A Pandas KeyError when accessing DataFrame columns typically stems from misaligned names or outright typos. Solutions range from straightforward verification of column names, using the safer get() method, to renaming columns as necessary to maintain consistency. Each solution serves a particular context, emphasizing the importance of careful data handling and accurate syntax in data processing tasks.

Next Article: Pandas SettingWithCopyWarning: A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame

Previous Article: Pandas ValueError: If using all scalar values, you must pass an index

Series: Solving Common Errors in Pandas


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