Pandas TypeError: string operation on non-string array

Updated: March 2, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment

The Problem

Encountering a ‘TypeError: string operation on non-string array’ in Pandas can be a stumbling block for many. This error typically arises when attempting to perform string operations on a Pandas Series or DataFrame column that does not contain string type data. Fortunately, with some understandings and practical approaches, resolving this error is straightforward.

Solution 1: Convert Column to String

The most direct approach is to ensure that the data on which you’re trying to perform string operations is indeed of string type. This can be achieved by converting the target column to a string type.

  1. Inspect your DataFrame to identify the column causing the issue.
  2. Use .astype(str) method to convert the targeted column to strings.
  3. Perform your intended string operations on the converted column.

Code Example:

import pandas as pd

# Sample DataFrame
df = pd.DataFrame({'numbers': [1, 2, 3], 'colors': ['red', 'green', 'blue']})

# Convert 'numbers' column to strings
df['numbers'] = df['numbers'].astype(str)

# Now you can safely perform string operations
result = df['numbers'].str.contains('1')



0     True
1    False
2    False
Name: numbers, dtype: bool

Notes: This method is straightforward but requires cautious type handling in later data processing stages.

Solution 2: Using apply() with str Methods

Another practical solution involves using the apply() function with a lambda function to apply string methods across the target column. This is particularly useful when dealing with mixed types within a single column.

  1. Select the column where string operations are needed.
  2. Apply apply() function with a lambda that ensures string conversion before the operation.
  3. Carry out the string operation within the lambda function.

Code Example:

import pandas as pd

# Again, using our previous DataFrame example
df['numbers'].apply(lambda x: str(x).contains('1'))

Notes: While this approach provides flexibility, it might be computationally expensive for large datasets. Additionally, it keeps the original data type of the column.

Solution 3: Filter Data Before Operation

Sometimes, the issue stems from attempting string operations on non-string elements buried within a column that predominantly contains strings. Pre-filtering these elements can circumvent the error.

  1. Identify and isolate rows with string types in the target column.
  2. Perform string operations on this filtered dataset.

Notes: This method may lead to data loss (as non-string rows are excluded from the operation), thereby potentially impacting your analysis if those rows are significant.


Understanding the nature of the data you’re working with and applying the most suitable solution from above can help you overcome the ‘TypeError: string operation on non-string array’ in Pandas. Each solution has its place depending on your specific situation, dataset size, and desired outcome.