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Passing data via a Link component in Next.js

Last updated: January 09, 2023

This concise article is about passing and retrieving data with Link components in Next.js. We’ll discuss the technique (just a few words) and then examine a complete example of applying that technique in practice.


You can pass a data object via a Link component like so:

            pathname: "/some-page",
            query: data, // the data
         Some Text

To retrieve the passed data, we can use the useRouter hook like this:

const router = useRouter();
const data = router.query;

For more clarity, see the example below.

The Example

App Preview

The sample Next.js app we are going to build has two routes:

  • /: Home
  • /some-page: SomePage

On the home page, there are a Link and a text input. The Link is used to navigate to SomePage. The user can enter a name (or whatever they want) into the text field. The entered text will be passed to SomePage through the Link.

A short demo is worth more than a thousand words:

The Code

1. Create a brand new Next.js project:

npx create-next-app example

2. Remove all of the default code in pages/index.js and add the following:

// index.js
import Link from 'next/link';
import { useState } from 'react';

export default function Home() {
  // this data will be passed to /some-page via the Link component
  const [data, setData] = useState({ name: '' });

  return (
    <div style={{ padding: 40 }}>
      <h1>Sling Academy</h1>

        {/* This text field is used to create dynamic data */}
          placeholder='Enter a name here'
          onChange={(event) =>

        {/* Here is the Link */}
            pathname: '/some-page',
            query: data, // the data
          style={{ color: 'blue', textDecoration: 'underline' }}
          Go to SomePage

3. In your /pages directory, create a new file named some-page.js and add the code below:

// some-page.js
import { useRouter } from "next/router";

export default function SomePage() {
  const router = useRouter();
  const query = router.query;
  const name =;

  return (
    <div style={{ padding: 40 }}>
        Name: <span style={{ color: "red" }}>{name}</span>

4. Run the app and go to http://localhost:3000 to check the result:

npm run dev

That’s it. Happy coding!

Next Article: Next.js: Extracting URL params inside getStaticProps function

Previous Article: Next.js: Fetching Data in Server Components

Series: Fetching and Rendering Data in Next.js


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