Perform JSON search in PostgreSQL

Updated: January 6, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Searching within JSON data types in PostgreSQL allows you to leverage the full capabilities of semi-structured data in a relational database environment. This tutorial will guide you in running queries against JSON datasets using PostgreSQL’s robust JSON functions and operators.

Before diving into JSON search queries, it is important to have PostgreSQL installed and a basic understanding of SQL. Familiarity with JSON data structures will also be beneficial.

Basic JSON Queries

Assuming you have a table ‘users’ with a JSON column ‘profile’, you can query simple JSON data as follows:

SELECT profile->>'name' AS user_name
FROM users;

This will retrieve the value associated with the key ‘name’ from the ‘profile’ JSON column.

Working with JSON Operators

PostgreSQL provides a variety of operators such as ->, ->>, @>, and <@ for working with JSON data. Here’s how to use some of these operators:

SELECT id, profile
FROM users
WHERE profile->>'age' = '30';

SELECT id, profile
FROM users
WHERE profile @> '{"location": "New York"}'::jsonb;

The first query searches for users aged 30. The second query looks for users whose ‘profile’ contains a ‘location’ key with the value ‘New York’.

Indexing JSON Data

For efficient searches, you can create an index on JSONB data:

CREATE INDEX idx_user_profile_location
ON users USING gin ((profile -> 'location'));

This index will speed up searches querying the ‘location’ key in the profile.

Advanced JSON Search

For complex searches, you can use SQL and JSON functions together:

SELECT id, profile
FROM users
WHERE jsonb_extract_path_text(profile, 'address', 'postalCode') = '10001';

This will search for users with a postalCode of ‘10001’ within the nested ‘address’ JSON.

Full-text Search within JSON

PostgreSQL also supports full-text search on JSON and JSONB columns. Consider the following example where we search for a specific word within a JSON document:

SELECT id, profile
FROM users
WHERE to_tsvector('english', profile::text) @@ plainto_tsquery('english', 'developer');

This will find users with the term ‘developer’ anywhere in their JSON ‘profile’.

Filtering with JSON Path Expressions

PostgreSQL 12 introduced the SQL/JSON path language, allowing for more refined searches using JSON path expressions:

SELECT id, profile
FROM users
WHERE profile @> '$.skills ? (@ <> "SQL" && @ <> "NoSQL")';

This uses a JSON path query to find users with skills that include both ‘SQL’ and ‘NoSQL’.

Combining JSON with Traditional Queries

Often, you’ll need to combine JSON search with traditional SQL queries for more complex data retrieval. Below is a query that illustrates this approach:

SELECT id, profile
FROM users
WHERE profile->>'language' = 'English'
AND join_date > '2020-01-01';

This query will find users who speak English and joined after January 1, 2020.


Searching JSON structures in PostgreSQL is a powerful feature that can enhance your data querying capabilities. By leveraging the different functions and operators PostgreSQL offers, developers can efficiently query and manipulate JSON data in sophisticated and performance-aware ways.