PHP: Check if a Number is Integer or Float

Updated: January 10, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment

Diving into the world of programming, specifically with PHP, one encounters various data types. One particular challenge that often comes up is determining the type of a numerical value – whether it is an integer or a float. This distinction is important because it affects mathematical operations, database queries, data validation, and more. In this detailed tutorial, we shall explore the ways in which we can check if a number in PHP is an integer or a float (also known as a double).

Understanding Data Types

Before we proceed to the checking mechanisms, let’s understand what integers and floats represent in PHP. An integer is a number without any decimal points, such as 1, 42, or -3. Conversely, a float is a number that includes a decimal point, such as 3.14, -0.001, or 4.0. In PHP, the precision of floats is platform-dependent, but typically they can be relied upon for up to 14 decimal digits.

Using is_int() and is_float()

PHP offers built-in functions to check whether a variable is an integer or float. The is_int() function will return true if the variable is an integer, and the is_float() (or is_double(), which is an alias) will return true if the variable is a float. Here’s how you can use these functions:

$number1 = 15;
$number2 = 27.25;

if (is_int($number1)) {
    echo "$number1 is an integer\n";

if (is_float($number2)) {
    echo "$number2 is a float";

This will output “15 is an integer” and “27.25 is a float” respectively.

Type Casting and Checking

Sometimes numbers might be represented as strings or in another type, and checking their type directly might not yield the correct results. In such cases, we can cast the variable to the desired type and then check its type. Consider the example below:

$stringNumber = "5.678";
$castedNumber = (float)$stringNumber;

if (is_float($castedNumber)) {
    echo "$stringNumber is a float after casting.";

In this case, “5.678 is a float after casting.” will be printed.

Floating Point Precision

When working with floats, one needs to be aware of precision issues. Because of the way computers represent floating point numbers, two seemingly equivalent floats might not be exactly the same. The bccomp() function can be used for comparison to avoid precision-based errors.

Custom Functions for Enhanced Checking

If you have more specific needs for checking types, you might consider writing your own custom function. For instance, you could create a function that checks if a number is whole (an integer or a float that is equivalent to an integer).

Dealing with Numeric Strings

PHP also deals with numeric strings – these are strings that represent numbers and can sometimes behave as numbers in arithmetic operations. The function is_numeric() checks whether a variable is a number or a numeric string. It might be handy for initial validation before applying more specific type checks.

Common Misconceptions

Programmers sometimes confuse the nature of numbers, especially when dealing with numeric strings, or when integers are automatically converted to floats when their value exceeds the integer limit. Knowing how PHP internally handles casting and conversions is therefore vital.

Conclusions and Best Practices

In PHP, correctly identifying whether a variable is an integer or a float is crucial for precise control and manipulation of numerical values. Use the built-in functions like is_int() and is_float() to reliably check for types. Moreover, understanding the principles behind numeric operations and how PHP handles different number representations will significantly reduce bugs and unexpected behaviors in your code.

In summary, always start with the appropriate PHP functions for checking types, handle numeric strings with care, be aware of number precision caveats, and consider the nature of your numbers for the best accuracy in handling data types.