PHP: Check if a string can be converted to a number

Updated: January 9, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


When working with data in PHP, being able to discern between different data types is a fundamental skill. Particularly, you might find yourself in situations where it’s necessary to determine if a string can be translated into a numeric form without data loss. This tutorial aims to provide insight and clear examples on various methods to achieve this.

Understanding Data Types

In PHP, strings are sequences of characters where numbers can either be represented as integers or floats. Before diving into converting strings, we must understand PHP’s loose type casting and how it treats variables during mathematical operations or as function parameters requesting numeric values.

PHP offers multiple functions and operators to check the nature of the string and whether it represents a number strong enough to be used in arithmetic contexts without complications.

is_numeric Function

The simplest approach to validating that a string is numeric is using PHP’s is_numeric() function.

$str = "123";
if (is_numeric($str)) {
    echo "$str is a number";
} else {
    echo "$str is not a number";

If you feed this function a numeric integer or floating-point string, it will return true. However, it will also consider numeric strings with leading or trailing whitespaces as numbers.

ctype_digit Function

For more stringent checking when we need an integer without any other character, ctype_digit() can come in handy.

$str = "0123";
if (ctype_digit($str)) {
    echo "$str is a numerical integer";
} else {
    echo "$str is not a pure integer string";

It’s essential to remember that ctype_digit() only accepts strings, so passing an actual number or a variable of another type to it will always return false.

Regular Expressions

Where more complex checks are needed, regular expressions become the tool of choice. The function preg_match() can verify if a string contains purely numeric characters, considering certain conditions like decimal points or negative signs.

$str = "-123.45";
if (preg_match('/^-?\d+(\.\d+)?$/', $str)) {
    echo "$str is a nicely formatted number";
} else {
    echo "$str is not a properly formatted number";

Note that regular expressions should be chosen judiciously, as they can be costly in terms of processing time, especially with large datasets or complex patterns.

Filtering Functions

In PHP, you can also use filter functions to validate a string’s numeric nature. The filter_var() function with the FILTER_VALIDATE_INT or FILTER_VALIDATE_FLOAT arguments helps verify numeric strings.

$str = "123a";
if (filter_var($str, FILTER_VALIDATE_INT) !== false) {
    echo "$str is an integer string";
} else {
    echo "$str is not an integer string";

This function is helpful when you also need to validate the format of the number fitting specific filter options.

Advanced Type Checking

If a project requires high precision or deals with particularly large numbers, the BC Math or GMP extensions might be in use. These tools provide their types and validation methods, but they are outside of the standard PHP build and not typically needed for simple type checking.

Regardless of the method chosen, it’s wise to consistently handle validation to avoid unexpected behaviors, especially when dealing with different locales, character encodings, or user inputs.

Key Considerations

Beyond the basic checks, other mitigating factors, such as checking for hexadecimal representations or locale differences in decimal separators, need to be considered. Native functions and filters provide a solid foundation, but for complex applications, always evaluate unique requirements and consider building custom validation rules.

Locale-Aware Number Parsing: For applications supporting international users, functions like numfmt_parse() from PHP’s Internationalization functions (intl extension) can parse locale-aware number representations.

Hexadecimal and Scientific Notation: Numbers in hexadecimal or scientific notation are also treated differently and require specific checks if your system is set to handle them.


In PHP, ensuring that a string is numeric before using it as a number is essential to prevent errors and ensure data integrity. While there are plenty of methods to perform this check, each with its caveats, the right choice depends on the specific requirements and context.

Mastering these string-to-number validation techniques is key to robust PHP application development. Start simple with is_numeric() and work your way up as needed, never neglecting the importance of type and error checking in a loosely typed language like PHP.