PHP: Check if two date ranges overlap

Updated: January 9, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


When dealing with scheduling, booking, or any system that involves time periods, it’s essential to determine whether two date ranges overlap. This common challenge can be efficiently tackled using PHP.

Understanding the Basics

Before delving into code, it’s crucial to understand what overlapping date ranges are. Two date ranges overlap if they have at least one day in common. The cornerstone of solving this problem in PHP is comparing the start and end dates of each range.

Basic Comparison Logic

To check for overlap, we can apply a simple logical test: one range’s start date must be before the other’s end date, and also its end date must be after the other’s start date. Here’s how you can implement this:

function dateRangesOverlap($start1, $end1, $start2, $end2) {
    return ($start1 < $end2) && ($end1 > $start2);

Improving Readability with DateTime

PHP’s DateTime class makes it easier to work with dates. The following example improves the first version by using DateTime:

function dateRangesOverlap($start1, $end1, $start2, $end2) {
    $start1 = new DateTime($start1);
    $end1 = new DateTime($end1);
    $start2 = new DateTime($start2);
    $end2 = new DateTime($end2);

    return ($start1 < $end2) && ($end1 > $start2);

Handling Edge Cases

In reality, you’ll likely need to consider inclusive and exclusive bounds, where date ranges may or may include their start or end dates. This requires a more refined logic implementation. The following function takes into account the inclusive and exclusive overlap scenarios:

function dateRangesOverlap($start1, $end1, $start2, $end2, $inclusive = true) {
    // Convert strings to DateTime objects
    $start1 = new DateTime($start1);
    $end1 = new DateTime($end1);
    $start2 = new DateTime($start2);
    $end2 = new DateTime($end2);

    // If end date is before the start date we assume an empty range
    if ($end1 < $start1 || $end2 < $start2) {
        return false;

    // Use different comparison based on inclusiveness
    if ($inclusive) {
        return ($start1 <= $end2) && ($end1 >= $start2);
    } else {
        return ($start1 < $end2) && ($end1 > $start2);

Accounting for Time Zones

When dealing with different time zones, we must take special care to convert dates to a common time zone before performing comparisons. The following example shows how to adjust for time zones:

function dateRangesOverlap($start1, $end1, $start2, $end2, $timezone = NULL) {
    // Set default timezone
    $defaultTz = new DateTimeZone($timezone ?: date_default_timezone_get());
    // Convert strings to DateTime objects
    $start1 = new DateTime($start1, $defaultTz);
    $end1 = new DateTime($end1, $defaultTz);
    $start2 = new DateTime($start2, $defaultTz);
    $end2 = new DateTime($end2, $defaultTz);

    return ($start1 < $end2) && ($end1 > $start2);

Performance Considerations

For systems with intense date calculations, performance optimization is key. You might want to cache the DateTime object creation, avoid unnecessary time zone conversions, and use benchmarking tools such as Xdebug Software to profile your code.


This tutorial illustrated how to check for overlapping date ranges using PHP. We examined several methods, from the basic logical comparison to more complex time zone considerations. Strategies like these are crucial for building robust applications that handle date and time efficiently.