PHP: Checking if a File or Directory Exists

Updated: January 13, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


When it comes to working with files and directories in PHP, one of the fundamental tasks you might find yourself undertaking is checking if a particular file or directory exists before performing operations such as read, write or delete. Such checks are crucial for robust error handling and prevent your scripts from falling over when attempted operations on nonexistent files are attempted.

In this guide, we will cover how to use built-in PHP functions to check for the existence of files and directories, as well as some best practices and common pitfalls to avoid.

Understanding the Basics

PHP provides several functions for file and directory handling. The most straightforward one for checking existence is file_exists(), which checks whether a file or directory exists.

// Check if file exists
if (file_exists('example.txt')) {
    echo 'File exists.';
} else {
    echo 'File does not exist.';

// Check if directory exists
if (file_exists('/path/to/directory')) {
    echo 'Directory exists.';
} else {
    echo 'Directory does not exist.';

file_exists() works for both files and directories and returns true if the file or directory specified by pathname exists; false otherwise.

Checking if Only a Directory Exists

While file_exists() is a general-purpose check, you may sometimes need to ensure that the pathname is not just any type of file but specifically a directory. That’s where is_dir() comes in handy.

// Check if a directory exists
if (is_dir('/path/to/directory')) {
    echo 'Directory exists.';
} else {
    echo 'Directory does not exist.';

is_dir() only returns true if the pathname is an actual directory. This can help you avoid mistakenly working on files when your intention is to work only with directories.

Checking if Only a File Exists

To assert whether a pathname is a regular file and not a directory, PHP’s is_file() function can be used.

// Check if a regular file exists
if (is_file('example.txt')) {
    echo 'File exists.';
} else {
    echo 'File does not exist.';

is_file() will return true if the file exists and is a regular file, not a directory.

Checking File Accessibility

Another aspect of file existence checking is whether the file or directory is readable, writable, or executable. PHP provides is_readable(), is_writable(), and is_executable() for these purposes.

// Check if file is readable
if (is_readable('example.txt')) {
    echo 'File is readable.';

// Check if file is writable
if (is_writable('example.txt')) {
    echo 'File is writable.';

// Check if file is executable
if (is_executable('example.txt')) {
    echo 'File is executable.';

These checks are particularly important from a security and permission standpoint and, hence, should be part of your process when dealing with file operations.

Common Pitfalls and Best Practices

While checking if files or directories exist is fundamentally simple, there are nuances that you should be aware of:

  • Relative vs. Absolute Paths: PHP’s file existence checks are affected by the server’s current directory. Always prefer using absolute paths to eliminate ambiguity. Example: /var/www/html/example.txt instead of example.txt.
  • Caching: PHP might cache the results of file existence checks. If you’re checking files over a period where they may be created or deleted, clear the cache using clearstatcache().
  • Symlink Handling: If you’re working with symlinks, be aware that file_exists() will check the symlink target’s existence.
  • Performance: Continuously performing existence checks may be resource-intensive, especially for remote files. Try to minimize these checks and perform batch operations whenever possible.
  • Error Reporting: Suppressed errors with ‘@’ can lead to confusion and difficult debugging. Instead, opt for proper error handling with try/catch blocks if applicable.

To conclude, checking if a file or directory exists in PHP is essential for many routine tasks involving filesystem manipulation. With the functions and best practices outlined above, you can write better PHP scripts that efficiently handle file existence verification with minimal risk of encountering filesystem-related errors in your web applications.