PHP Composer Error: Cannot Allocate Memory – Solutions and Best Practices

Updated: January 12, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Encountering a Cannot allocate memory error while using PHP Composer can be a frustrating experience. This in-depth tutorial aims to shed light on the potential causes of this memory allocation issue and offers a set of actionable solutions to resolve it. PHP Composer is a go-to tool for dependency management in PHP, and understanding how to fix memory issues can save you from unnecessary headaches and downtime.

Understanding the Memory Error

The Cannot allocate memory error typically pops up when Composer tries to execute an operation that requires more RAM than is currently available on the system. This can happen when dealing with large projects, or when your system resources are limited.


  • A basic understanding of using PHP Composer.
  • Shell access to the system running PHP Composer.
  • System resource monitoring tools such as htop or free.

Diagnosing the Cause

Before diving into solutions, it’s important to isolate the root cause of the memory exhausted error. Running system resource monitoring tools can help you visualize the current memory usage and pinpoint external processes that might be contributing to the memory limitations.

Solutions to the Memory Issue

Here are several strategies to address the memory error:

1. Increase the Memory Limit

Composer allows you to temporarily increase the PHP memory limit for a single command using environment variables. Increase the limit with:

COMPOSER_MEMORY_LIMIT=-1 composer require package/name

A value of -1 sets no memory limit, but consider the implications and the capacity of your environment.

2. Update Composer

Keeping Composer up to date is critical since newer versions often include memory optimizations:

composer self-update

3. Configure Swap Space

Adding swap space can provide an emergency buffer if physical memory runs low:

  1. Deactivate current swap with swapoff -a.
  2. Create a new swap file with dd if=/dev/zero of=/swapfile bs=1G count=1 (1 GB size).
  3. Set the right permissions chmod 600 /swapfile.
  4. Make the file usable as swap with mkswap /swapfile.
  5. Activate the swap file with swapon /swapfile.

4. Optimize Composer JSON

Analyze your composer.json for unnecessary dependencies or require-dev packages that may inflate your project’s memory footprint during updates.

5. Use PHP’s JIT Compiler

PHP 8 introduced the Just-in-Time (JIT) compiler which can potentially reduce memory usage. Ensure you’re on an up-to-date PHP version and JIT is enabled:


Tips to Prevent Future Memory Allocation Errors

Preventive management is essential. Some best practices involve:

  • Regularly monitor system resources and log Composer operations.
  • Implement automated resource scaling if you are running on cloud infrastructure.
  • Keep your project’s dependencies lean to minimize the memory footprint of Composer operations.


Having explored the possible causes and various solutions to the Cannot allocate memory error in PHP Composer, this tutorial should equip you with the knowledge to effectively troubleshoot and prevent such issues from arising in the future. Implement these strategies to maintain efficient workflow, contributing to overall project stability and performance.