PHP Composer: How to Upgrade Packages to New Versions

Updated: January 12, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


In the PHP development landscape, Composer is a fundamental tool for dependency management, allowing developers to declare libraries on which their projects depend and manage them systematically. As part of software maintenance, updating these dependencies is necessary to benefit from bug fixes, security improvements, and new features. In this tutorial, we’ll dive into the process of upgrading Composer packages to newer versions effectively and safely.

Understanding Composer

Before we update packages, it’s crucial to understand the basics of Composer. Composer uses a composer.json file to keep track of the package names and version constraints for a project. It generates a composer.lock file which locks the installed dependencies to specific versions for consistency across environments. When updates are needed, Composer consults these files.

Preparation for Upgrading

  1. Backup: Always backup your composer.json and composer.lock files before making changes. If the upgrade introduces issues, you’ll need these files to roll back to the working state.
  2. Review Changes: It’s good practice to check the release notes or changelogs of the target packages for potential breaking changes or new features that may affect your project.
  3. Version Constraints: Understand the version constraints in your composer.json. Semantic Versioning (SemVer) is commonly followed in the PHP package ecosystem, which clearly indicates backward compatibility through major, minor, and patch versions.
  4. Testing: Ensure you have a robust suite of automated tests for your application. Updating dependencies can introduce unexpected changes. Tests will catch these before they reach production.

Updating Packages

Now, let’s look at how to update packages individually, in bulk, and with version constraints in mind.

  1. Updating Individual Packages:
    composer update vendor/package_name 

    This command will update the specific package to the latest version allowed by the version constraints in your composer.json. Replace vendor/package_name with the actual package vendor and name.

    If you want to update to a specific version, adjust the version constraint in composer.json and run the command again.

  2. Updating All Packages:
    composer update 

    This will update all your PHP packages within the constraints specified in composer.json. Remember to test thoroughly after this command as it may introduce several changes at once.

Version Constraints and Stability

Version constraints in your composer.json control which updates Composer will apply. It’s wise to specify constraints that allow for backward-compatible updates:

  • ^1.2: This constraint allows for updates within the 1.x range but will not update to 2.x as that indicates a breaking change.
  • ~1.2: A softer constraint allowing updates to the latest 1.x version that is at least 1.2, but no higher than the next major version.

1.2.*: This constraint locks updates to only patch versions, managing the risk of breaking changes even in minor versions.

Remember that the stability of packages can be controlled with the minimum-stability setting and the prefer-stable flag inside composer.json.

Handling Conflicts and Issues

Occasionally, updating packages can lead to dependency conflicts. Composer will notify you if it cannot find a compatible version based on your constraints. If this occurs:

  • Investigate the conflicting packages and constraints.
  • Check the documentation or asset repo of the conflicting packages for guidance.
  • Consider widening or adjusting constraints to allow compatibility, if appropriate.
  • Update packages that require the old dependencies, if possible, or briefly allow a conflicting version with an explicit alias.

When faced with specific problems, consult community forums, GitHub issues, or the package maintainers for assistance.

Tips for Successful Upgrades

  • Update frequently in smaller increments to avoid overwhelming changes that come from irregular, bulk updates.
  • Use CI/CD to automate testing and detect issues early after updating dependencies.
  • Consider using tools like Dependabot or Renovate to automatically keep your dependencies up to date securely.
  • Understand what the different Composer commands do, such as composer install vs composer update—the former installs the last known set of dependencies stored in composer.lock, while the latter actively updates and changes the lock file based on your json constraints.


Regularly updating PHP packages with Composer is an integral part of security and project stability. This guide has given you the concepts and steps to update your dependencies safely. While it might seem daunting at first, with good practices, a reliable test suite, and careful planning, you can keep your projects up to date and reap all the benefits that come from using the rich ecosystem of PHP packages.

To keep your skills sharp and stay updated with Composer practices, consider reading the official Composer documentation and engaging with the PHP community. Happy coding!