PHP Composer: How to install a specific version of a package

Updated: January 12, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


In the world of PHP development, managing project dependencies is a common yet crucial task that can significantly affect the functionality and stability of applications. One key tool for handling these dependencies is Composer, a dependency manager for PHP. Composer streamlines the process of including libraries in your projects and helps maintain the required versions of packages you need. This tutorial focuses on the steps required to install a specific version of a package using Composer, an essential skill for PHP developers aiming for consistency and compatibility across environments.

Introduction to Composer

Before delving into version-specific installations, let’s briefly go over what Composer is and why it’s a cornerstone of modern PHP development. Composer allows you to declare the libraries your project depends on and then installs or updates them for you. Use of Composer can simplify project setup for other developers, and using it ensures that everyone is working with the same set of dependencies.

Installing Composer

If you have not yet installed Composer, you will need to do so before proceeding. Composer is available for download on its official website and can be installed globally on your system, enabling you to use it for any PHP project. Detailed installation instructions for different operating systems can be found on the Composer website.

Understanding Package Version Constraints

Composer relies on version constraints to determine which versions of a package are suitable for installation. These constraints can be specified in your composer.json file under the require section. Some examples include:

  • Exact version: 1.3.2
  • Caret version range: ^1.3 (Equivalent to >=1.3 <2.0)
  • Tilde version range: ~1.3 (Equivalent to >=1.3 <1.4)
  • Wildcard version: 1.3.* (Any 1.3 version)
  • Minimum stability: dev-master (Development version from the master branch)

Choosing the correct version constraint is critical to ensure the proper functioning of your project, particularly relating to compatibility and avoiding breaking changes introduced in new releases.

Specifying the Package Version

Now, let’s go through the steps to specify a particular version of a package using Composer:

  1. Navigate to the root directory of your project.
  2. Edit the composer.json file. If you don’t have a composer.json yet, Composer will create one when you first install a package.
  3. Under the require section, specify the package name followed by the desired version constraint. For example, if you want to install version 1.14.0 of a package named monolog/monolog, you would write:

    "require": {
    "monolog/monolog": "1.14.0"

  4. Run the command composer update to update your installed packages based on the changes made to the composer.json file.
  5. Optional: Use the command composer require monolog/monolog:1.14.0 to both edit the composer.json file and update the dependencies in one step.

This process allows you to keep control over the versions of packages in your project, ensuring stability, and predictability.

Updating Dependencies

If you need to update a dependency to a newer version later on, you can edit the composer.json file directly to change the version constraint and then run composer update. To update only a specific package, run composer update vendor/package (replace vendor/package with the actual package name).

Dealing with Version Conflicts

Sometimes, specifying a version may lead to a conflict with other packages. Composer will output an error message indicating which package versions conflict. You will then need to resolve these conflicts, potentially by identifying and installing versions of the conflicting packages that can coexist peacefully.

Best Practices

  • Commit your composer.json and composer.lock files to version control. The lock file ensures that other developers on the project, as well as deployment pipelines, use the same version of each package.
  • Regularly run composer update to keep your packages updated within the constraints you’ve set. This allows you to receive bug fixes and improvements while maintaining compatibility.
  • Use version ranges cautiously to avoid unintentionally installing incompatible major versions of packages.
  • Run composer show to list all installed packages and their versions or composer show vendor/package to see details about a specific package.
  • Understand the risk of using overly restrictive version constraints that can hinder the update process and consider the semantic versioning conventions followed by many packages.


Installing a specific version of a package using Composer is a valuable capability that offers control and predictability in your PHP projects. Understanding version constraints and best practices in managing dependencies will help you maintain a healthy and up-to-date codebase. This tutorial has equipped you with the necessary knowledge to wield Composer effectively for precise package management.