PHP: How to connect to multiple databases

Updated: January 12, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


When working on a PHP application, you might find yourself needing to connect to more than one database. This could be due to various reasons such as having different data stored in different database systems, working with legacy systems, or needing to query several databases within a single application for data aggregation. In this tutorial, we will explore how to connect to multiple databases in PHP. Whether you are using MySQL, PostgreSQL, or any other database, this guide will give you the necessary knowledge to manage multiple connections effectively.

Understanding the Basics

Before diving into the code, it’s crucial to understand the basics of database connections in PHP. PHP uses extensions like mysqli or PDO (PHP Data Objects) to connect to databases. You can use either of these extensions based on your preference and database type. mysqli is specific to MySQL databases, while PDO is a database access layer providing a uniform method of access to multiple databases.

Connecting to Multiple Databases using mysqli

If you are working with MySQL databases, you can create multiple instances of the mysqli class to handle connections to different databases. Here is a hypothetical example:


  $host     = 'localhost';

  $user     = 'user';

  $password = 'password';

  $dbConnection1 = new mysqli($host, $user, $password, 'database1');

  $dbConnection2 = new mysqli($host, $user, $password, 'database2');

  if ($dbConnection1->connect_error) {

    die('Connect Error (' . $dbConnection1->connect_errno . ') ' . $dbConnection1->connect_error);


  if ($dbConnection2->connect_error) {

    die('Connect Error (' . $dbConnection2->connect_errno . ') ' . $dbConnection2->connect_error);


  // Perform queries and close connections

  // $dbConnection1->query(...);

  // $dbConnection2->query(...);




Connecting to Multiple Databases using PDO

Using PDO is similar, but PDO can connect to various database systems. Here’s how you would establish multiple connections with PDO:


  $user = 'user';

  $password = 'password';

  $dsn1 = 'mysql:host=localhost;dbname=database1;charset=utf8';

  $dsn2 = 'pgsql:host=localhost;dbname=database2'; // PostgreSQL example

  try {

    $pdoConnection1 = new PDO($dsn1, $user, $password);

    $pdoConnection2 = new PDO($dsn2, $user, $password);

  } catch (PDOException $e) {

    die('Connection failed: ' . $e->getMessage());


  // Perform queries and close connections

  // $pdoConnection1->query(...);

  // $pdoConnection2->query(...);

  $pdoConnection1 = null; // Close the connection

  $pdoConnection2 = null; // Close the connection


Best Practices and Considerations

It’s important to manage your database connections responsibly. Open connections only when necessary and close them as soon as you are done. Not doing so can lead to performance issues. It’s also good practice to handle exceptions and errors gracefully, ensuring that your application remains robust and secure.

Organizing Code

To keep your application clean and maintainable, it’s a great practice to define your database connection settings in one file. Typically, this file is named dbconfig.php or something similar. Within this file, you will store your database connection information and create the connection objects that you will use throughout your application.

Common Pitfalls and Troubleshooting

When connecting to multiple databases, be sure to keep an eye on the scope of the connection variables to prevent overwriting and ensure that queries are executed against the correct database. Also, be mindful of the specific settings and features of the database systems you are working with since not all features and SQL syntax are the same across different systems.


In summary, connecting to multiple databases in PHP can be quite straightforward whether you’re using mysqli or PDO. The key is to maintain an organized and secure codebase, manage your resources efficiently, and be aware of the particular features of the database systems you are working with. With this knowledge, you are now well-equipped to tackle projects that require multiple database connections.