PHP: Convert a string to bytes and vice versa

Updated: January 9, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Understanding how to convert strings into bytes and back is a cornerstone of data manipulation in PHP. This tutorial dives into various practical techniques to handle byte conversion, ensuring data is processed correctly in your applications. Whether you’re handling file I/O, network communication, or encryption, these methods are invaluable for any PHP developer.

String to Bytes in PHP

Converting a string to its byte representation involves understanding the character encoding being used. The most common encoding is UTF-8, where characters can use one to four bytes. PHP provides functions like unpack() and bin2hex() to work with bytes. Here’s the basic way to convert a string to bytes using these methods.

$string = "Hello, World!";
$bytes = unpack('C*', $string);

In the example above, we convert the string into an array of ASCII byte values. The 'C*' format string tells unpack() to return the ASCII value of each character in the string.

Bytes to String in PHP

Similarly, when we have a byte array and we want to convert it back to a readable string, we use the pack() function. Here’s how you can convert back from bytes to a string.

$bytes = array(72, 101, 108, 108, 111, 44, 32, 87, 111, 114, 108, 100, 33);
$string = pack('C*', ...$bytes);

Handling Multibyte Strings

When dealing with multibyte character encodings such as UTF-8, the approach is slightly different as we need to handle characters that may use more than one byte. PHP’s mb_*() functions come into play here.

$string = "こんにちは"; // A Japanese greeting
$bytes = unpack('C*', $string);

Notice that we still use the unpack() function. However, to handle proper encoding, ensure you set the internal character encoding to UTF-8 using mb_internal_encoding().

Advanced Conversion Techniques

For advanced applications, such as cryptography, you might need to work directly with binary strings. PHP allows direct manipulation of binary data using functions like hex2bin() and base64_encode(). Here are some examples:

$string = 'Hello, World!';
$binary = hex2bin(bin2hex($string));
$base64 = base64_encode($binary);

This workflow is particularly useful when you need to safely encode binary data for transfer over mediums that are not binary safe.

Error Handling in Byte Conversion

Error handling is crucial when performing byte conversions. You should always verify if the operations were successful, especially when dealing with external data or user input that may not follow the expected format.

$bin = @hex2bin($hexString);
if ($bin === false) {
    // Handle errors accordingly

Using the error control operator @ can suppress errors, but ensure you check whether the result is false to handle any issues that arise.

Performance Considerations

Although PHP is not traditionally recognized for its speed in byte-level operations, it’s important to write efficient code. Utilize PHP’s native functions and avoid unnecessary conversions.


We’ve explored methods to convert strings to bytes and bytes back to strings in PHP, including dealing with multibyte strings and advanced binary manipulation. When working with bytes, remember to prioritize proper encoding handling and efficiency. Mastering these conversions is a crucial step in becoming an effective PHP developer, giving you greater control over how data is processed and exchanged in your applications.