PHP: How to copy a file to another directory

Updated: January 11, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Handling files is a common operation in web development. PHP, being a powerful server-side scripting language, provides various functions for file manipulation, which includes copying files from one directory to another. In this tutorial, we will cover how to achieve this in PHP, providing step-by-step guidance and best practices.


  • A local development environment with PHP installed
  • Basic knowledge of PHP syntax and file operations
  • Access to the command line or an Integrated Development Environment (IDE)

Understanding PHP’s copy() Function

PHP has a built-in function named copy() that is simple and straightforward for copying files. The function prototype is as follows:

bool copy ( string $source , string $dest [, resource $context ] )

The $source parameter specifies the path to the source file that you want to copy. The $dest parameter specifies the path where the copied file should be placed, and the optional $context parameter allows you to specify a resource context for the operation (which can be used for specifying options like stream notification callbacks).

Step-by-Step Guide to Copying a File

Step 1: Checking If the File Exists

Before trying to copy a file, you should always check if the file exists and is readable to avoid errors in your script. You can use the file_exists() and is_readable() functions for this purpose.

$source = 'source/filename.txt';
if (file_exists($source) && is_readable($source)) {
    //  The file can be copied
} else {
    echo 'The source file does not exist or is not readable.';

Step 2: Copying the File

After confirming the source file’s existence and readability, you can proceed with the copy operation:

// Assuming $source is already defined and checked
$dest = 'destination/filename.txt';
if (copy($source, $dest)) {
    echo 'File copied successfully';
} else {
    echo 'File could not be copied';

It’s important to ensure that the directory you’re copying to exists and is writable. You can use the is_writable() function to check the directory’s write permission. If the destination directory does not exist, you will need to create it using the mkdir() function.

Step 3: Handling Errors

If the copy operation fails, PHP will typically raise a warning. To handle errors more gracefully, you can use a combination of error suppression and conditional checks to give the user more meaningful feedback.

if (@copy($source, $dest)) {
    echo 'File copied successfully';
} else {
    $error = error_get_last();
    echo 'Copy error: ' . $error['message'];

Advanced Topics

Copying Files with Streams

You can also copy files using streams in PHP. This approach can be used when dealing with large files or when you need more control over the file copying process. Streams can be particularly useful when you want to process the file data while copying it.


function copyFileWithStreams($sourcePath, $destinationPath) {
    // Open the source file for reading
    $sourceFile = fopen($sourcePath, 'rb');

    if (!$sourceFile) {
        echo "Failed to open source file.";

    // Open or create the destination file for writing
    $destinationFile = fopen($destinationPath, 'wb');

    if (!$destinationFile) {
        echo "Failed to open destination file.";

    // Read and write the file contents in chunks
    while (!feof($sourceFile)) {
        $chunk = fread($sourceFile, 8192); // 8 KB chunks (adjust as needed)
        fwrite($destinationFile, $chunk);

        // You can perform additional processing on the chunk if needed
        // For example, process($chunk);

    // Close the file handles

    echo "File copied successfully.";

// Example usage:
$sourceFilePath = '/path/to/source/file.txt';
$destinationFilePath = '/path/to/destination/file.txt';

copyFileWithStreams($sourceFilePath, $destinationFilePath);

In this example, the copyFileWithStreams function opens the source file for reading and the destination file for writing. It then reads and writes the file contents in chunks, providing more control over the copying process. You can adjust the chunk size according to your specific requirements.

Using Context Options

PHP’s copy() function allows for context options that can modify the behavior of the stream used in the copy process. Contexts can set options like socket timeouts, user-agent strings, or HTTP headers if the source or destination is an HTTP resource.


function copyFileWithContextOptions($sourceUrl, $destinationPath) {
    // Set context options for the HTTP stream (if applicable)
    $contextOptions = stream_context_create([
        'http' => [
            'header' => 'User-Agent: CustomUserAgent', // Set a custom user-agent header
            // Add more options as needed

    // Use the context options with the copy function
    if (copy($sourceUrl, $destinationPath, $contextOptions)) {
        echo "File copied successfully.";
    } else {
        echo "Failed to copy file.";

// Example usage (copying from an HTTP resource):
$sourceUrl = '';
$destinationFilePath = '/path/to/destination/file.txt';

copyFileWithContextOptions($sourceUrl, $destinationFilePath);

In this example, the copyFileWithContextOptions function uses the stream_context_create function to create a stream context with HTTP options. The copy() function is then used with the provided context options to copy the file. You can customize the context options based on your specific needs.

Copy Files from Remote to Local

PHP not only allows you to copy files locally, but also from remote sources. However, this feature may be disabled by the allow_url_fopen directive in the PHP configuration file. If enabled, the process for copying a remote file is similar to copying a local file:

function copyRemoteFileToLocal($remoteUrl, $localPath) {
    // Check if allow_url_fopen is enabled
    if (ini_get('allow_url_fopen')) {
        // Use copy function to copy remote file to local destination
        if (copy($remoteUrl, $localPath)) {
            echo "File copied successfully from remote source.";
        } else {
            echo "Failed to copy file from remote source.";
    } else {
        echo "allow_url_fopen is not enabled. Cannot copy remote files.";

// Example usage (copying from a remote source):
$remoteUrl = '';
$localFilePath = '/path/to/local/destination/file.txt';

copyRemoteFileToLocal($remoteUrl, $localFilePath);

This example checks whether allow_url_fopen is enabled using ini_get. If it’s enabled, the copy function is used to copy the remote file to the local destination. If allow_url_fopen is not enabled, a message is displayed indicating that remote file copying is not possible.


In this tutorial, you have learned how to copy files in PHP using the copy() function. We’ve gone through checking if the file exists and is readable, copying whilst handling errors gracefully, and discussed some advanced topics like stream contexts. Remember to always deal with errors properly and ensure that your PHP settings allow the operations you want to perform, especially when dealing with remote resources.