PHP Doctrine: Selecting rows where a column is NULL or NOT NULL

Updated: January 14, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Selecting data with specific criteria is a common operation in any ORM (Object-Relational Mapping) and an essential part of interacting with databases in applications. Doctrine is a powerful ORM for PHP which simplifies database interactions. An often asked about operation involves selecting rows based on whether a column’s value is NULL or NOT NULL. In this tutorial, we’ll explore how to accomplish this in Doctrine’s QueryBuilder and DQL (Doctrine Query Language).

Understanding NULL in Databases

Before diving into the Doctrine specifics, it’s important to understand what NULL represents in a database context. NULL is a marker for missing or inapplicable information. This value does not count as ‘zero’, nor does it count as an empty string. Rather, it is a distinct marker that the column’s value is not set.

To begin with, you should have Doctrine installed and configured in your PHP project. Make sure that your entities and mappings are correctly set up, as they define the structures we will be querying against.

Using QueryBuilder to Select Rows Where a Column is NULL

Doctrine’s QueryBuilder provides a fluent interface for building SQL queries. To select rows where a column is NULL, use the isNull() method.

$entityManager = ...; // Get your EntityManager instance
$queryBuilder = $entityManager->createQueryBuilder();

->from('YourBundle:Entity', 'entity')
->where('entity.columnName is NULL');

$query = $queryBuilder->getQuery();
$result = $query->getResult();

In the example above, replace 'YourBundle:Entity' with the namespace and name of your entity and 'entity.columnName' with the actual property you want to check for NULL.

Using QueryBuilder to Select Rows Where a Column is NOT NULL

Similar to the isNull() method, QueryBuilder offers the isNotNull() method for the opposite scenario—selecting rows where a column is NOT NULL.

->from('YourBundle:Entity', 'entity')
->where('entity.columnName is NOT NULL');

$query = $queryBuilder->getQuery();
$result = $query->getResult();

Again, ensure that you replace 'YourBundle:Entity' and 'entity.columnName' with the correct entity and property names.

Using Doctrine Query Language (DQL) for NULL Checks

Doctrine Query Language is a high-level abstraction atop of SQL that is designed with object management in mind. While strikingly similar to SQL, it works with Doctrine entities instead of table names. Here’s how to craft DQL queries for selecting rows based on NULL or NOT NULL:

$entityManager = ...; // Entity Manager instance

// For NULL
$dql = "SELECT e FROM YourBundle:Entity e WHERE e.columnName IS NULL";
$query = $entityManager->createQuery($dql);
$result = $query->getResult();

$dql = "SELECT e FROM YourBundle:Entity e WHERE e.columnName IS NOT NULL";
$query = $entityManager->createQuery($dql);
$result = $query->getResult();

Ensure that you replace YourBundle:Entity with the appropriate entity namespace and name and e.columnName with the property name that might be NULL or NOT NULL.

Using Criteria API

If you are working with repositories, Doctrine’s Criteria API provides another way to perform selections, which is particularly useful when building complex queries programmatically. Here’s an example performing a NULL check:

use Doctrine\Common\Collections\Criteria;

$repository = $entityManager->getRepository('YourBundle:Entity');
$criteria = Criteria::create()->where(Criteria::expr()->isNull('columnName'));

$matching = $repository->matching($criteria);

To create a NOT NULL condition, you would use the neq() method and pass in null as the second argument.

$criteria = Criteria::create()->where(Criteria::expr()->neq('columnName', null));
$matching = $repository->matching($criteria);

Advanced Considerations

When creating queries with NULL checks, it’s important to be mindful of performance, particularly for larger datasets. Ensure that your database columns are properly indexed, especially if they are frequently involved in NULL/NOT NULL queries. Remember also that Doctrine will hydrate results into entities by default, which might introduce overhead. If you are selecting large amounts of data and don’t need the full entity, consider using partial objects or scalars for better performance.

Let’s assume you have an entity User and you want to select users where a certain column, say lastLogin, is NULL.

use Doctrine\ORM\EntityRepository;

class UserRepository extends EntityRepository
    public function findUsersWithNoLastLogin()
        $queryBuilder = $this->createQueryBuilder('u')
            ->where('u.lastLogin IS NULL')
            // Consider using partial objects if you don't need the full entity
            ->select('partial u.{id, name}')
            // Or, select only specific scalar fields
            // ->select('', '')

        return $queryBuilder->getResult();

Key Points in the Code:

  1. NULL Check: The query includes a WHERE clause to check for NULL values (u.lastLogin IS NULL).
  2. Partial Objects: To reduce overhead, partial objects are used (partial u.{id, name}). This fetches only the specified fields of the entity.
  3. Scalar Fields: Alternatively, you can select only scalar fields that you need (, This approach avoids hydrating full entity objects when not necessary.
  4. Indexing: Ensure that the column involved in the NULL check (lastLogin in this case) is properly indexed in the database, especially if it’s frequently involved in queries.
  5. Query Execution: The query is executed with getResult(), which will return the result set according to the specified fields.


In this tutorial, you have learned how to use Doctrine to write queries that select rows either with NULL or NOT NULL values in certain columns. We touched on multiple ways to achieve this using the QueryBuilder, DQL, and Criteria API within Doctrine in a PHP environment. Armed with this knowledge, you can now create more nuanced queries to handle data according to the presence or absence of values within your application’s database layer.